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It's been a week since I layed in bed, and Enzo won't let me get up.

He threatened that if I stood up even for a second, I would not come to the mission.

This feels weird. It feels strange to have someone care about you that I don't even know how to react.

Every time I would do a mission back in Russia and I would come back home injured, I would tend at my own wounds and then the next day go in another mission.

Today, we leave for Los Angeles. Matteo will not come with us, of course, because he is in France.

I don't know if Angelo will come either because everyone refused to tell me anything about him.

Roman visited me also and requested my help at doing the map of the warehouse.

Me and him have become pretty good friends, and we get along. This is the first time in a good while I made a friend.

Enzo and I are flirting here and there and always gives me that smirk.

I get up from the bed that I have laid in for a week and slowly make my way to the bathroom.

My side hurts just a little bit, and I limp very slightly. Other than that, I can't feel a thing.

I brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water.

Looking in the mirror, I see I am still a little bit pale.

I sigh and get in the showers, letting the hot water hit my body.

I run my fingers over the tattoo that is healed now.

What would have happened if I never came here?

After making sure my body is clean, I wrap a white towel around me and step out.

I wipe the mirror and see my scarred skin. I bite my lip to make the wetness for my eyes go away.

I will not be weak.

I walk out the bathroom, and I see Enzo sitting on the edge of the bed with his elbows resting on his knees.

His head snaps out when he sees me and then slowly goes down to my legs and then back to my eyes.

He clears his throat. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Do I have to remind you that today we leave for Los Angeles? I need to get prepared."

"You should have asked me, I would have helped you," he says softly.

I scoff. "Help me with what? Showering?"

"If that's what you want," he smirks. I roll my eyes and head to the closet to take clothes out.

"Are you going to stay here while I change too?" I ask, throwing the clothes on the bed.

"Do you want me to?"

"Esci prima che ti uccida, don. " I say with the most sweet smile I could ever make.

(Get out before I kill you, don."

"Dio mi piace come suona." He breathes

(God, I love how that sounds)

"You love how sounds what?" I ask, this time in english.

"Parli in italiano, nella mia lingua madre"

(You talking in Italian, in my mother language)

I smirk. "Killing you, if you don't get out, is still an option, I say, pointing with my eyes to the door.

"Here I thought you knew how to have fun," he says, standing up and walking towards the door.

"You will have to prove you are worthy of my time so I can show you how I have fun."

"Then I guess I will have to prove you," he says, walking out the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

I quickly get changed and tie my hair up in a slick ponytail.

I apply some makeup to put some color on my face.

I take a last glance in the mirror before walking out this damned bedroom.

It feels so good to finally walk more than ten steps a day.

I walk down the stairs when I see Roman on the couch scrolling through his phone "Hey" I say, his head snaps right up, not expecting me here.

"Oh hey. I didn't hear you there." He says, putting the phone in his pocket.

"Of course you didn't. I didn't want to be noticed, " I say, taking a seat beside him, our knees almost touching. He stiffens, and I understand he is uncomfortable, so I take a little bit of space between us. "So what have you been up to this week?" I ask

"Just hacker stuff," he says, playing with his ring.

"Where is Angelo, by the way? I haven't seen him, and Enzo refuses to tell me what happened. "

"If he doesn't want to tell you, then I can't. I would get in trouble."

"Oh, come on. I won't tell. Promise, " I smile.

"I really can't, Evelyn."

I sigh. "Fine. Traitor" I pat him on his shoulder."I don't care anyways. He can be dead for all I care, " and that's the truth.

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