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When the jet landed, I saw all the reporters taking photos. I never liked attention. It makes me nervous to know that so much people are watching me.

As if feeling my discomfort, Enzo squizzes my hand as we get off and whispers in my ear, "You're safe with me." All the people circle around us as I try not to get blinded by all the light.

"Is it true that your father has died?"

"When is the ceremony going to take place?"

"Miss Evelyn -"

All kind of questions were thrown at me, but I ignored them all and focused on Enzo, who was holding my hand tightly, moving us through the crowd to the limousine.

Enzo let's me get in first, then he enters, too. "Greetings, Miss Evelyn," the driver says in a thick Russian accent that I forgot I had.

"Greeting. To the mansion, " I say in the same Russian accent. What's the point in hiding it anymore? It used to be a family thing but now I have to family left other than my mom who lives a happy life with her new family hiding from the mafia and doesn't talk to me when I helped her escape my father.

Enzo gets closer to me and whispers in my ear as his hand touches my arm. "You have a beautiful a beautiful accent amore."

"I love your Italian accent too," I reply.

"Oh really?" He says using the accent.

"Yes, I find it hot." He smirks and places his hand on my upper tight, directly on my skin, since I wear a black skirt.

His hand slowly reaches higher and placed with my underwear, teasing me.

I bite my lip to not make any sound as he takes the material away and begins playing with my sensible parts. "Ti piace amore?"He breathes, making sure the driver doesn't hear us

(Do you like it, amore?)

"Sì" I reply, holding in a breath.

"You'll have to wait until that date, amore," he then says, taking his hand away.

"You're such a tease," I say, annoyed.

He doesn't reply but instead smirks.

Fine. You'll see what you got yourself into Enzo De Luca.

"We reached our destination," the driver says

"Thank you," I say, and we exit the car.

A man is waiting in front of the gate and I already recognise him. "Romanov."

"Evelyn," He says.

"I hope everything is prepared?"

"Of course. The ceremony will be tomorrow. I thought you first would want to relax for a bit with your...." He trails off when he sees Enzo.

"Boyfriend," Enzo responds.

"Right. Well I hope you'll stay in Russia after, right?"

"I think so. At least for the first few months so I can document on the business and other alliances."

"Of course. Have a nice stay, Don, " He says, and we enter the house.

I missed this. The feeling of home. The home I grew up in. Even though it wasn't the best but it was still my childhood, and it made me who I am now.

"I've never actually been here before," Enzo says.

"I'll show you to my room," I say, and we walk up the stairs until we reach my room. I open the door, and I am hit with the same familiar smell. All my things are in the same place.

"You draw?" Enzo asks when he sees a painting on my black wall.

"I used to when I was younger. I still like it thought, but I don't have the time anymore, " I explain.

"Can you make me a painting?" He asks

"I'll see if I can fit it in my schedule." I smirk

"So busy. Even for me?"

"Maybe I can make some time for you later and I will give you a painting also. How does that sound?"

"Perfect," He says, kissing me.

"Come on. Wanna take a shower?"

"You don't even have to ask."

I walked into the shower,naked now. He joined me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. The warm water ran over my breasts, and I felt his lips begin to leave kisses up and down the back of my neck.

I turned around and leaned against the cool tile, looking up at him hovering over me. The water drops that covered his chest and abdomen made me want to touch him in unholy ways. Enzo's lips were parted slightly, and he was staring directly into my eyes.

"I want you to fuck me, Enzo"

He smirks "Of course amore" my back arched against the tile as he  reached down and found my clit with his fingers. He gently and slowly started to rub it and play with it, my body squirming at his every touch.

"Stay still for me amore. Or do you want me to stop?"

"D-dont you dare stop" I breathe

He grinned and then pressed his lips to mine, moving his fingers in and out quickly,thrusting them at a steady pace.

I felt his fingers curl upwards, stroking my g-spot making me moan "F-fuck Enzo"

"You like this amore?"

I Humm not wanting him to stop.

While he was still playing with me he grabbed all my wet hair in one head and tilted my head back sucking on my neck leaving a soon to be hickey hicky.

I feel my climax building up and then hold in a breath "Enzo" I moan.

"I know amore. Let it out" At his words I release and the next thing I see his him on his knees cleaning me up.

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