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The Fleet Battle Sation Ticonderoga is a sprawling structure covering several square kilometers of space where Starships are stacked in berths.

Official: "We now break net and take you live to Fleet battle station Ticonderoga deep inside the Arachnid Quarantine Zone."

The camera follows the Net Correspondent as he works a corridor crowded with Mobile Infantry and Fleet Personnel.

Net Correspondent: "No one here in the AQZ knows when the invasion of Klendathu will occur, but everyone's talking about it, and the talk says tomorrow!

Newly minted cap troopers Johnny, Dizzy, Ace, and Kitten Smith happen along.

Net Correspondent: "Here's a bunch of M.I. kids who look like they eat bugs for lunch!"

Dizzy: "Yum, yum, yum...!"

Net Correspondent: "So you're not worried about fighting the Arachnids...?"

Ace: "Hey, shoot a nuke down a bug hole, lotta dead bugs, am I right?"

Kitten Smith: "I just hope it's not over before we get in it!"

Net Correspondent: "Some say the bugs were provoked by human attempts to colonize within the AQZ, that a live and let live policy is preferable to war with the bugs..."

Johnny: "Yeah, well, I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill'em all!"


Johnny and his friends drink at a crowded bar. Around the room there's singing and dancing, a mad sort of revelry bred of fear and excitement, but nearby a veteran drinks alone.

Kitten Smith: "That guy's been in it."

Johnny: "How can you tell?"

Kitten Smith: "The eyes. He's got the 1000 meters stare."

He's hard and humorless, all wised up. Ace admires his laser cut tattoos. Dizzy eyes his skull and crossbones earring.

Ace: "Great scars."

Dizzy: "I like the jewelry. Hey, amigo, where can I get an earring like yours?"

Veteran: "Port Joe Smith, Outer Rings, Dantana...Every time I come back from a drop, my gunny gives me a bone. I got three now. You don't see a lot of guys with three."

Johnny: "What's it like...combat?"

Veteran: "I guess it's not so bad. I mean as long as you don't get any on you."

Kitten Smith: "Get any what on you?"

Veteran: "Oh, you'll know when it happens. See you on the bounce."

The vet pays his tab and heads out.

Ace: "I say we all go the laser parlor and get cut together."

Johnny: "What do I want with a scar?"

Dizzy: "What, your skin's too pretty? C'mon, everyone's doing it!"

Carmen: "Hey Johnny! Johnny Rico!"

Johnny looks up and sees Carmen. She looks great in uniform.

Johnny: "Carmen...?"

Johnny remembers himself, snaps to attention, salutes. Dizzy and the others follow suit. Carmen salutes back, sheepish.

The Two Rico's (Starship Troopers Male Oc)Where stories live. Discover now