Chapter 3

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After the event of the Fuyuki Singularity. Lucian is seen sitting and documenting the event on his desk. Typing away he was absorbed in his task not noticing the person who entered his room.

Lucian: You need something Romani?

Romani only settled a pile of documents and a mug filled with coffee before settling on the couch in his room.

Romani: nothing just that the documents and report you asked for. Other than that well, Olga wanted to see you in her room.

Lucian: Tell her she should rest first before I see her. Also how is Mashu and the last master?

Romani took a sip of his coffee and appreciated its bitter flavor before looking outside of the night sky.

Romani: Gudako and Mashu had just been released from the infirmary and are doing well. although I had to tell Mashu that you are currently not available right now.

Lucian only chuckled at Romani's response. He knew just how attached Mashu is to him and he will do anything to make his adopted little sister happy.

Romani: I had to hold her back from seeing you and you know how she is towards you?

Lucian: Well... you know she is... plus my role towards had never changed... if anything happens to her... well you know how it is.

Romani only snorted at his response. He knew just how attached Mashu is towards Lucian. Even though their relationship is like brother and sister who knows when that boundary will change.

Romani: typical Brocon and Siscon

Lucian: your just saying that cause your lonely.

Romani: Man get off my case of being single asshole!

Lucian: gloat how much you want and it will never change Romani.

Romani: You really are an asshole you know that? Gentle and kind one minute and then next your the living embodiment of tyranny!

Lucian: hmph it's imbedded in my nature and you know it.

Romani: Hah true to that!

Romani finished his cup of coffee as he and Lucian chatted with each other. A few hours passed by Romani left Lucian alone to finished his work. Silence reigned the room as Lucian continued with his work.

*knock knock*

Lucian: The door is open.

The sound of muffled muttering is heard before the door opened and a person went in. Lucian didn't bother turning around as he knew who it was that just entered.

Lucian: What do you want Olga? Here to scold me again and tell me to go away?

Shuffling and the sound of a tired sigh was the answer to his question. Lucian slightly shook his head before standing up and walked to a nearby cabinet. Getting out a tea set, he started brewing tea as the light sounds of stuttering in the background filled the silenced room.

Olga: I- I'm sorry Lucian...

Lucian: What for? You made a decision that day and I respected it. For the first time in your life you decided for yourself and I'm proud of it. Do not doubt yourself and start apologizing for something trivial.

Setting down a fresh brewed tea, Lucian finally made contact with a teary eyed Olga looking down in shame. Her hands tight and trembling and her body shaking. She knew that day would be a turning a point for her life but at what cost did it turn out? Nearly losing a pillar of support and a genuine friend for the first time in her life.

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