Chapter 4

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Lucian walks back to his quarters, deep in thought as he recalls the upcoming storm that the bastion of humanity will shoulder in the upcoming days. Seven Singularities, a series of trials that will test the will of the bastion as she goes through them. Each presenting their own servants, problems and the significance of that particular singularity in the aspect of history.

Lucian now contemplates wether he should help nurture the child and her companions, so many pros and cons that he need to dealt with in order for said bastion to be ready to tackle the singularities she would face.

Lucian: to do or not to do it. Such a dilemma presented to me, then again who said that rules cannot be broken? Though I must be careful on how to tackle this lest I stress the bastion of the burden she will carry.

Lucian having reached his room, now had a decision to make. Before  anything else can be finalized, Lucian stopped before the door of his room. His senses alarming him of two people now inside his room. Lucian discarded the notion of hostility considering he sees a childish aura coming from one and a calm blue aura on the other.

Lucian only chuckled knowing who the two were as he entered and was greeted of the bastion and his adopted sister. Said two just chilling and chatting with each other.

???: I'm asking you Mashu! Please tell me more of this brother of yours! He seems like he has much influence around here!

Mashu: Senpai, im telling you this now. No matter how much you ask me, I won't tell you anything unless he permits it or he is the one telling!

???: Awww! But everyone keeps telling me that I should ask him myself! Why can't anyone tell me at least small details about him!?

Mashu: Senpai? Unless you have a servant capable of even handling him (which is nigh impossible) you won't get any answer from anyone but him.

???: wait your telling me I need a strong servant just to get answers from him?! Just how powerful is he if it requires for a powerful servant to just get answers!

Mashu: One strong enough to destroy a whole universe will be a good start. (Which again is near a zero chance of even answering your call if he is involve)

???: Welp... looks like I'll just have to get it from the source! Speaking of which, hey you! Who are you!?

Mashu whipped her head towards where her senpai was pointing. She gasped upon landing her sights to the one person she had considered a pillar of support for her whole life. A disarming smile, an aura of confidence radiating, his posture one of relaxed but ready to engage. Yes, standing there was her one and only brother figure who had become a pillar of support for the whole of Chaldea.

Mashu: Nii-sama! Your back!

Mashu immediately got up and tackled her brother in a hug. Lucian only chuckled before returning back the gesture much to the enthusiasm of his little sister.

Lucian: How are you Mashu? Getting along with your peers?

Mashu: Hai! But now your here... I really miss you Nii-Sama!

The two continued to hug each other not knowing they are making someone jealous from the side.

???: Uwaah I want to be cuddled too...

The two turned to a now crying master wailing how they are so intimate to each other and how the world is unfair. Lucian opened one of his arm as if inviting her for a group hug.The master immediately launched at the invitation, instantly comfortable at the cuddle she was receiving.

Gudako: ... Comfy~. But first things first! Who are you kind but estrange stranger? And in case you didn't know names Fujimaru Ritsuka! But you may call me Gudako since it's my nickname!

Mashu gasped at her master's notion and proceeded to scold her much to her chagrin. Lucian only chuckled as he prepared some tea and snacks for the two. Moments later, Lucian had now prepared everything and watched as a dejected Gudako made her way to one of the chairs, sat down and munched quietly the snacks before her.

Lucian: my apologies Gudako. My little sister can be quite overprotective of her brother you know?

Gudako: I can see why. The question now is who are you?

Lucian only chuckled as he softly caressed the hair of his little sister who was fast asleep on his lap. A warm smile etched on his face making the last master blushed ever so slightly.

Lucian: Me? I'm just a simple caretaker here in Chaldea. Though you might as well not believe it since everyone here have high regards on me.

Gudako: sure you are. Everyone almost greets you professionally and we're courteous whenever you pass by. Seems like your someone important and more than a caretaker in my opinion.

Lucian: figures... though status aside the names Lucian. Simply Lucian, resident butler, caretaker and second in command of Chaldea. Don't worry you and everyone else are safe as long as I am here.

Gudako: if you say so! Now tell me more about yourself please!

Lucian only chuckled at the master's antics. They spent a long while talking until the master left with a sleepy Mashu who didn't want to be separated from her brother but reluctantly went back to their rooms.

Lucian was once again alone but a little companion dropped by to see him.


Lucian: hmm? Well hello there little guy. How are you?

Lucian patted his lap as the strange creature leaped on it and settled comfortably. Softly he brushed it and it purred to his touch.


Lucian: you missed this huh? Well whenever you wanted pampering you know where to go.


Lucian: sure you are. And by the way, thanks for taking care of everything while I was gone.

"Fou! Fou!"

Lucian: okay, okay I'll go back to pampering you. You really are spoiled aren't you?

The two spent a while in silence. If one wherever to picture it, it would like an owner spoiling his companion pet but in the eyes of those who truly see the two... one would be scared out of their minds if they know who or really what they are.

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