Chapter 3

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Qrow Branwen had just came into town, and he quickly noticed a solemn air that sat over the town like a cloud. The towns people didn't seem to pay him any mind, only glancing his way, even the children seemed preoccupied. Not the Qrow was upset by it, if anything it was nice to have some peace. But it was definitely strange to see how little his presence was acknowledged, because normally children would run up to him, asking him all sorts of questions, but here no one spared him a glance.

"Are you sure?" A voice asked nearby.

"Yep, she said she was gonna stay here a while longer, something about making sure nothing happens" A deeper voice replied.

"We are lucky to have her here, I can't imagine how bad it would've been if she hadn't came back when she did" a woman's voice said.

Qrow turned and looked at the people having the conversation. Two men and a woman.

"Excuse me" said Qrow, "but who are you talking about?"

"Ah, are you new in town?" The older one of the men asked.

"Yeah, just stopped off to spend the night" Qrow replied.

"Ah, well if you're looking for an inn there is one a little further down the street" said the younger man.

"Yeah, but to answer your question, a huntress came to town a few days ago and stopped a bandit attack, then a bunch of monsters attacked us and she helped us again" the woman said.

"Monsters? Like Grimm?" Qrow asked.

"No, like zombies, only more rotten and decayed, their skin wasn't even there anymore and some of them had holes in their bodies. It seemed like nothing we did could kill them. But then she showed up and started cutting them down" the young man stated.

"I see. And what is this person's name?" Qrow asked.

"Dunno, the only person she really talks to us the inn keeper. If you wanna know more talk to him" the old man said.

"Thank you for your help" Qrow said, walking off.

He made his way down the street to the inn that he had been told about. Using his morph, he flew up into the air and landed on a nearby tree. He looked through the windows until he found a peculiar woman. She was dressed in a way he has never seen before and to say that she was beautiful would be an understatement. She was working on polishing her sword at the moment, which he quickly took notice of. The sword was a golden looking color, and it definitely looked sharp, but it lacked a hilt, meaning she had to grab it and swing it by the blade. She also had a few pieces of armor on her body, most notably one of her arms and a part of her leg. On a desk nearby was a helmet, of a design he had never seen before. All of her equipment was similar in color to her blade. As of this point he hadn't been able to get a good look at her face, but that changed when she quickly looked up and locked eyes with him. Her eyes were a beautiful golden color, she also had a sort of knowing/dead look in her eyes, like she had seen and done things she wasn't proud of. Speaking of seeing things, Qrow was reminded that she was currently starring at him. He flew up and away, hoping that she dismissed him as a normal Qrow. He flew around and morphed back into a human.

Qrow walked into the inn and sat down at a table. A woman walked over and Qrow ordered a simple drink and a small meal.

"Here is your food sir" the woman said, setting down a plate of potatoes and bread along with some soup.

"Thank you.... Hey, I was told there was a huntress staying here, if you don't mind me asking, what is her name?" Qrow asked the woman.

"Oh her? I believe she told my father her name was Malenia, but-" suddenly, all conversation stopped as a pair of foot falls echoed around the inn. Out walked Malenia, her helmet clipped to her side. She ignored the stares of the people around her, looking them over before her eyes settled on Qrow, who looked her in the eye.

Malenia broke the stare off and walked out of the inn. She turned and headed towards the woods, probably going to hunt Grimm.

Qrow took note of a few things about Malenia when they locked eyes. She was definitely beautiful, but she was also a killer. Qrow also noted that she was rather tall, standing maybe seven feet tall.

Malenia walked through the streets thinking hard about all of the things she had never payed attention to in The Lands Between. She had knights that had pledged themselves to her, even going so far as to get infected with the scarlet rot on purpose. Her daughter, Millicent, the one she had abandoned. Malenia felt her eyes start to tear up when she thought of her daughter.

Some mother I am, Malenia thought.

She stopped to wipe her eyes, clearing them up. She had more pressing matters to worry about, like that man.

I noticed some magic in him, but it's very weak, almost as if sealed. But who would seal magic? Malenia thought.

She continued into the woods, walking for a bit before coming to a serene clearing, with a small waterfall and a little pond underneath it. Malenia sat down her sword and helmet before sitting at the edge of the pond. She looked into it, seeing a few fish swimming around. She also saw her reflection.

While her body had been healed, she still had scars all over from being afflicted with the scarlet rot. She sunk farther into thought before a noise behind her drew her attention. Turning, she saw one of these, "Grimm" as the villagers called it, approaching. Malenia sighed before picking up her sword and placing her helmet on her head. She took up a fighting stance before the Grimm charged. It was some sort of wolf like Grimm so Malenia was willing to bet there were more, waiting for her to be weakened. The Wolf pounced at Malenia, only for her to decapitate it with one swift motion.

Another wolf pounced from her left and she delivered a neck breaking round house kick to it's skull, killing it instantly. By now the pack made itself known. There were maybe six or seven regular ones and one that was larger and had more armor. The pack attacked, and Malenia did too. She impaled one wolf before flinging it into it's friends. She then ducked under a flying wolf before springing forward and slicing through two more. Malenia then did a back handspring to gain distance from the pack. She heard a noise behind her quickly spun with her blade in an upward motion. She split the wolf in half before coming to a halt facing the pack again. Malenia charged forward, jumping over one wolf and landing on the one behind it. Her body weight forced the wolf to it's stomach and Malenia decapitated it. She then flipped backwards and brought her sword down upon the first wolf's skull, cleaving it in two. now there was just the big one and a single normal wolf. The normal wolf charged but Malenia kicked it in the chest with enough force to cave in it's ribs. Malenia charged the big one and tried to cut through it like the others, but it dodged.

Malenia looked at the wolf and realized something, this one is smarter.

Malenia charged again, this time feinting right, causing the wolf to dodge left, but Malenia was prepared, doing a spin and separating the wolf's jaw from it's head. The animal shrieked in pain but Malenia quickly dispatched it. Turning back to the stream, she noticed a familiar crow sitting nearby before flying away.

So that's who you are, Malenia thought, smirking to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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