Extra: Night 7 (Nightmare)

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After Y/n spent time with the girls and Reine, he remembered there was a seventh night he could spend at the house. But what would he do if everything was over with? The threat of the Spirits going unstable was gone for the near future, and nothing else needed him to come back there.

And yet, something compelled him to come back. After all, he already went through six nights, why not go for a seventh? This led him to come back to the place before midnight on Sunday, which would mean the week would turn.

When he saw the house, it was oddly dark. Maybe the girls were truly sleeping now. He quietly entered to see if anyone was inside besides the girls. He switched on a light and saw a figure standing in front of him. It turned, and he instantly knew who it was.

Kurumi: Hey there.

Y/n: Kurumi...? Were you waiting for me?

Kurumi: That's your first question? Well, it is a good one. In truth, I don't know. Let me ask you, why did you come back here, especially at night?

Y/n: Reine told me there were seven nights in total. I came by out of curiosity.

Kurumi: You don't have to be here. There's no reason to. Unless... You want to guard the place again? Maybe that's what I was waiting for.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Kurumi: If you wish... I can play the antagonist tonight. I was hoping for some release.

Y/n: The antagonist, huh. More shadow clones too?

Kurumi: No. Only me and you. And I promise not to hurt you too much. Well, not enough to kill you anyway. I'll... try to be gentle.

Y/n: What about the girls?

Kurumi: They won't wake up. Only you and me, truly. What do you say?

He deliberated to himself.

Y/n: I don't know if it's you influencing my mind, but I'm leaning towards agreeing.

Kurumi: That's just you. How about we add entice to it? If you hold me off until 6 AM... Hu-hu, who knows? I'll reward you in due amount~

Y/n: Hmm... Fine. You're on.

Kurumi: You know, it's okay to let our primal instincts take over once in a time. Just throwing that out there, through all the talk about the opposite. Now, you should go in the office. I will come soon...

Y/n did as she said and went to the office. His unofficial "final" night shift began.

-- 12 PM / 100% battery / 100% sanity –

The clock sounded midnight, meaning it was now Monday, the day he began his first shift. He pulled up the tablet and checked for Kurumi. She was still standing in the main living room. Y/n thought this would be easy since it was only her he had to watch out for, but then the tablet lost feed for a split second before revealing that Kurumi disappeared.

He looked for Kurumi, who now stood in the living room. She disappeared with static again and Y/n assumed she was near a hallway, but he couldn't tell which. Then, he heard a short giggle from the right hallway. He closed the door, and the lights went out. Absolute silence ensued.

He heard footsteps coming near the closed door, and a glowing red eye in the darkness looking at him through the office window.

Kurumi: Understand this, Y/n. Now... You are in my world.

She snapped her fingers and Y/n's vision turned red. He saw clearer in the dark, but there were several differences. The most notable being other Kurumi's, perhaps her clones looking at Y/n and giggling.

DATE A LIVE: Five Nights at Shido's (DAL x FNAF)Where stories live. Discover now