26 | Carter & Amaya - part 1

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I open the door of my apartment with trembling fingers. The key misses the lock twice before it fits.

Once in, my body drags itself to my hall room where I drop down on the sofa with a sigh. Tears tease my eyes but I don't wish to spill them.

That woman — Molly. I should have known she had some kind of thing going on with Carter. She already called herself the love of his life and unless she is a psychopath, I doubt she concluded without Carter's choice in the matter.

She was giving him a blow job and he was enjoying himself.

Fuck! Here I had almost had in mind that I would give Carter the benefit of the doubt and that is how he repaid me. By lying about the other woman in his life.

What did the last two weeks mean to him then? Was he just stringing me along for fun?

I had gone to tell him about my deal with Jeremy and ask his help in the matter.

"I hate you, Amaya. How could you be so stupid!" I scold myself, looking at the ceiling as memories of the weekend with Carter flash before me.

His touch, his moans, his whispers...he almost had me melting for him again.

The sound of the doorbell distracts me from my thoughts. Getting up from the sofa, I force my body against its wish to the door. I turn on the security screen and find two very familiar faces grinning at the camera above the door.

Two men stare at me. Both star players of basketball and both married. One brown, one white. They are both dressed in casual T-shirts and jeans and have the kind of spark on their faces that I can only identify with two of my best friends.

My heart instantly lights up. I squeal, literally, as I pull the door open in a hurry.

"SURPRISE!" Stephen and Kyle both scream in unison.

"Oh my God, guys!"

I fling myself into their arms, tears streaming out of my eyes.

"Gods...we missed you, Amaya. It's been so long," Stephen says, squeezing me along with Kyle in a hug so tight I can barely breathe.

When we part, they both have the biggest smiles on their lips. I chuckle at their excitement, my heart fluttering as I recall how long it has been since I have been with my friends. They are the only ones who love me without any conditions. I wouldn't have survived these past five years without them. They are the only thread that still keeps me connected to the past I sometimes wish I could forget.

"We bought presents!" Kyle gushes, bending his large, athletic body to pick up a giant box from the ground.

"Oh my Gosh, Kyle! That's huge."

He hands me the large box and it weighs a ton, causing me to topple with its weight.

"That's me, babe. I'm very huge. Ask him."

Kyle knocks his elbow to Stephen's chest making the latter throw him a glare that is half-hidden by a blush.

"Shut up, Kyle!" Stephen hits him back. "They are mostly snacks, cookies, and toys for Parker."

"Thank you...Come on in," I snort at their bickering, beaming at the love between two of my two closest friends as I let them in.


Half an hour later, after catching up on our lives where I conveniently leave out Carter, Stephen, Kyle, and I are sitting around the sofa with half-drunk beer bottles in our hands and a half-eaten pizza on the coffee table. Kyle almost ate half of it by himself which made us order another. Not a surprise since he has to take good care of his health every day but now that he has taken a step back from playing for the NBA, he is stuffing himself with junk.

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