35 | where we begin

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hey loves!

you should really consider following me on my Instagram (iya_fictional) for a very exciting news coming soon regarding this series.

the last chapter before the final chapter!
as always, 100 comments and it drops tomorrow.

love you <3


"We could have left an hour ago if you hadn't ordered the inspection," Dawson remarks, placing himself on the seat opposite me.

One of our two female flight attendants, Jules, hands him a beer. He takes it with a wink at the pretty woman, probably imagining where in the flight would be a good place to bang her. It must be hard for my "brother" — to keep that alpha mask of his on all the time. It comes off when we are alone.

"It was Amaya's request," I inform him as I turn my head to observe the runway absently through the plane's window.

The inspection just got over and thankfully, everything on the flight is safely accounted for. I catch myself before I can worry the worst — from a crash landing to a fatal sky crash.

I have my son with me. Parker is my topmost priority right now.

My phone vibrates on the table built between our two seats. The caller ID reads Grandpa and Dawson narrows his gaze at me, silently asking me if I am going to pick up.

I sigh, dragging myself to the edge of my seat as I receive the call.

"Hi, Pa," I greet my old man.

"What the fuck did you do boy?" he booms through the phone, causing me to cringe. "You sued Molly?"

"She broke into my house, sexually assaulted me, and tried to murder Amaya."

Grandpa goes quiet. Absolutely quiet.

"Oh..." he draws a breath after a while, his voice significantly lower than it was before. "Don't worry. I'll make sure that woman spends a lot of time behind bars."

There he goes with his protective instincts. It doesn't take much to change his mind when it comes to my protection. I have to admit that being with Grandpa made these past five years tolerable. He is like my shadow, other than Dawson and I don't think I deserve so much care from either of them just because I am his heir.

And Parker is mine.

"Thanks, Grandpa."

"Wait a minute...did you say Amaya? As in Amaya Sommers?" Grandpa exclaims suddenly.

Panicked, I meet Dawson's eyes. He is smirking at me, clearly amused by the difficult situation he can make out I am in.

"Hmm...yeah...she kinda worked for the company you sent me to look over."

"Fuck...what have you done, Carter? Don't tell me you're bringing that woman with you. How many times do I have to tell you? She doesn't belong with us."

I wish she had come with me so that Grandpa could see how much Amaya means to me. His stereotypes blind him so much that he ends up forgetting at times that I was a living pariah too once. Amaya and I are from the same background.

"She belongs with me," I deadpan over the call. "And the next time you speak that way about my son's mother, you and I'll have some serious issues."

"What nonsense are you blabbing—"

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