Ep. 1

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♠︎ March 2022, the start of Spring Break ♠︎

Y/N looks over the items in her luggage as she lists what she has inside of it, making sure that everything is set for her flight in three hours. It felt like just yesterday when her friend and her had made the plan to take a vacation to South Korea. It was out of the blue and planned during a night of drinking and singing karaoke at her apartment. Being a college student, the friend that she made in her class had became her closest friend because they saw each other every other day and shared similar interests in things. They were of the same major as well, both taking on film in hopes of one day they would both get to travel the world together and record every moment of it.

The question is, why South Korea? It was simple.

The friend she had made actually loved the kpop genre as much as Y/N had. The moment she saw a Momo photo card behind Kaetlyn's iPhone she immediately knew that she chose the right friend to get close to. They hung out every time after class to get lunch because their class would finish at 12:50. Most days they would eat out of campus, go to a restaurant to get some food in the comfort of each others presence. Y/N made good connections with other people in her classes, but Kaetlyn and her just clicked immediately so she was always seen with her, the two were basically best friends and everyone in their film class knew that. Not to mention that Y/N herself was pretty introverted. She didn't talk much but when she's comfortable around people, she's open and fun to be around.

Y/N nods her head as she checks out everything in her luggage before closing it up and zippering it. The moment she zipped the luggage up, her phone rang. Checking to see who it was Y/N saw that Kaetlyn was calling her. She answered it immediately.


"Hi bitch, you ready to go?!" Y/N heard her energetic friend shout from the other side of the line. Y/N couldn't help but laugh. She knew just how excited her friend was to go to South Korea as much as she was.

"Fuck yeah I am. Are you getting an Uber right now?"

"Yeah he's almost here. After that, I'll be on the way to get you." Kaetlyn says. The woman lived on campus in the dorms because she originally came from a different state for college. Once and a while she came to sleep over Y/N's apartment because the woman lived away from home due to family issues, but they both had to make sure they got everything they needed for their 7 day trip to another country.

"All right cool, I got my stuff all packed." Y/N spoke as she looks at her luggage and little backpack she uses to put her important things like her passport, her wallet, a portable fan, portable charger, and everything else she knew she would need when walking around the streets of Korea.

"Aight I'll text you when the Uber is on the way to your place."

"Aight, see you in a few."

"Yes ma'am." That was the last thing Y/N heard before the call ends. She places tosses her phone on top of her little backpack before checking over her outfit through her mirror across from her. Her and Kaetlyn did some research upon finalizing that they were actually going to South Korea for their spring break. It was expected to be cold during this time of year there so Y/N wanted to wear clothes that would keep her warm.

Wearing her long pair of black trousers, she topped it with a loosely fitting black long sleeve she tucked in and had her black patted coat on her bed to hold onto during the flight. She wore her worn out white converse with mid-calf socks so her skin doesn't show if her trousers somehow rode up.

Feeling satisfied with her outfit, Y/N nods her head in approval before hearing that she got a text message. Looking over the notification, Kaetlyn had just messaged her that the Uber driver had just picked her up and they were on the way to get her. Y/N replies to the woman before bringing her luggage and backpack out of her room to bring right to her front door.

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