Hallway Man

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"Look at her, shes hiding her face." Hunter said towering over me. I was laying on the bed now in only my panties and underwear. I didn't want to have sex with them, but getting head while being bitten sounds okay.

"Do you care if I have the first taste brother?" Chase said walking to the end of the he'd.

"Not at all, I would like to see our flowers face." Hunter said before sitting down next to me. "You're so beautiful Rose."

"Guys I'm nervous." I said while covering my eyes back up with my hands.

Hunter's hand snaked around my neck gently. "You should be." He whispered in my ear.

Before I knew it Chase was sliding my underwear off while Hunter undid the front of my bra, making my face heat up. All parts of my body were completely exposed now.

"Open your legs up for me love." Chase said pushing my knees up. I tried to muster up the courage to open then but I couldn't. "Fine I'll help you." He muttered before pushing my legs apart exposing me.

"Move your hands." Hunter said grabbing my wrist. I stayed still not responding. This caused him to grab my wrist and tie both of them to the head board. I bit my lip hard so I didn't say anything smart back. Chase then plunged his fingers inside of me making me moan and arch my back against the bed. His fingers were moving fast and I was a moaning mess. I kept my eyes shut tight in fear I would make eye contact with one of the twins.

Suddenly they both laughed. "Look at me flower." Hunter said grabbing my face harshly. When I didn't open my eyes he squeezed harder making me finally open my eyes. His eyes were red and his fangs were out. He had a long beautiful smile stretched across his tattooed face.

"You taste wonderful." Chase said licking his fingers. His mouth then wrapped around my core while his tongue fiddled with my clit. Ecstasy was running through my body as I moaned out.

Hunter's lips then wrapped around my forearm before he bit down harder than usual. Even though he bit me harder it didn't hurt nearly as bad, it almost felt good. Chase removed his lips from my clit and was now using his fingers. He grabbed my ankle and bit into it. I currled my toes making me wince because if the one they had broken. But everything was still completely ecstasy. They seemed to drink more and bite even harder as I had a mind shaking orgasm, making me squirm everywhere. They removed their fangs from my skin making me shiver.

"I think this flower liked that." Hunter said with their wide smile. I hid my face so they couldn't see me blush.

"Do you hear those thoughts? She can't tell if she wants to despise or worship us." Chase said with an evil laugh. I scoffed making them snap their heads at me.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't mean that." I quickly said pulling my knees to my chest.

"Hmm. I think I would like you to stay here." Chase said with a smile making my eyes widen.

"No, I don't want to. Aren't you guys finished with me?" I begged shaking my head. They started laughing so loud

"If we were done with you, you'd be dead. We don't want you to die though flower. You're kind of growing on us." Hunter explained moving a peice of my hair behind my ear. I've already had one crazy dick head obsessed with me. I couldn't handle two, let alone these ones. I hate them. I don't care if my body reacts the way it does I hate them.

I removed the bra off my back, before crossing my arms. My feet carried me to the bathroom where I shut the door, slamming it, but not hard enough that someone might think I was slamming it. I turned the shower on and muttered bullshit under my breath. They got to be dumb as fuck to think I would stay here with them. I will kill myself or something bitch.

"Okay, that's just not nice. Don't call us bitches. And if you try to kill yourself we will turn you." Chase said after banging on the bathroom door so hard it made me jump.

"Fuck you." I said getting into the shower.

"She's confident because we let her cum, now we know better." Hunter muttere. I rolled my eyes, I currently do not care. I'm so enraged I could seriously kill someone with my bare hands.

After a few more pestering comments of them reminding me that they could hear my thoughts, they left me alone. I finished my shower and exited the entire room going to mine while still completely naked. Looking through the drawers I came to the realization, they hadn't supplied me with any. For some reason I just assumed they would have, but I was wrong. What sucked was I didn't remeber where their rooms was, or even if they showed me their rooms honestly.

So I went exploring. I found the kitchen and everything that I had already been shown again. I suppose suppose they showed me I spaced out because I was so filled with anxiety about being here. Continuing to walk around I finally seen someone in the second floor hallway. What displeased me was this person is a man, and right now men make me uncomfortable. But I needed to find Chase and Hunter.

I tried to cover myself with my arms and hands. "He do you know where Chase, and Hunter's rooms are?" I asked trying not to embarrass myself anymore than I already had.

"Uhm. Yes. I do. Would you like me to show you?" He asked looking me up and down.

Try not to throw up Rose. "Yes please, I need clothes." I said with a small laugh.

"I think you look just fine without them." He said sinisterly before grabbing my arm. What have I just walked into?


Hope yall are loving this. Comment pls, also go read Dream Invader

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