Chapter 11

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My mother's blanket and familiar scent had almost no effect in calming me down as every memory of their rough hands roaming my body flooded my mind no matter how much I didn't want it

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My mother's blanket and familiar scent had almost no effect in calming me down as every memory of their rough hands roaming my body flooded my mind no matter how much I didn't want it. I closed my eyes and hugged the blanket as if it was her until exhaustion took hold of me and I fell into a slumber that was anything but peaceful because my dream replayed today's events.

I was on my bed staring at them after agreeing to kiss them... as much as I wanted nothing more than to punch them, the need to get them out of house... the house I lived in happily with my mother was much stronger so I had no choice. They smirked and I looked away, clenching the sheets between my fists in anger and fear. 'Stay calm Luna, once you do this they'll be gone and you'll be safe. Just close your eyes and it'll be done in a second like pulling a tooth out. And don't vomit...resist the urge unless you want to die'

Griffin stepped forward and gently gripped my chin and raised my head, he leaned in slowly and closed my eyes and sighed in relief that he wasn't doing something twisted again. But all of a sudden his hand was gone from from my chin, I opened my eyes in confusion only to find him glaring at me. "That eager to get rid of us huh?.." He pushed me flat on the bed and climbed on top of me and my jabs at him did nothing to deter him. "You said I only needed to kiss you so get off me right now!" I screamed and continued pushing him. In one swift move his hand was now wrapped around my throat making me tense up and halt every movement.

He brought his face closer to mine and chuckled, "Who knew the idea of us leaving would make you such an obedient little girl. And don't get so angry baby I am going to kiss you... I'm just making sure it's one you never forget."

My eyes darted around in fear as his hand tightened and he placed his lips on my own. At first it was slow and gentle but eventually the only one controlling it was him while I laid there barely able to breathe while my eyes water. My eyes connected with Silas and he frowned and pulled his brother off me. They both yelled at each other but I didn't bother listening, I saw someone leave the room and then another step closer to me. He bent down and I knew it was Silas but was surprised by his behavior. He patted my head and covered me up before whispering, "I'll get mine another time kitten." And with those words I knew that there was no way I'd ever truly be safe again.

~*~ The next day ~*~ 

I woke up clutching my throat and screaming at the top of my lungs and gasped at how pathetic I had become. 'Because of them I can't even sleep anymore. They're everywhere... in school, on the bus, in my home and now my dreams. Why can't I be left in peace? I never wanted anything like this! Mum come home please, I need you.'

I bit  my nails and then looked at mum's old clock hanging upon her wall but sighed while recalling that the battery had died. I slowly got out of bed on wobbly legs and walked to my room. When I found my phone my shoulders sagged and I shook my head realizing it was too late for me to go to school. 10:00. 'Wow I guess pleasuring two stalkers takes a toll on you.'

  I left my phone on my bed and turned around but the sound of my phone constantly beeping made me pause. I picked it up and my eyes widened in horror at the texts I was receiving.

'My dear best friend...WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU HERE!!! YOU DIDN'T EVEN WARN ME' I winced at the amount of capital letters Ashleigh was using which indicated that she was absolutely furious.

'You know I was willing to forgive thinking that you're sick but you still haven't even told me anything and I've been spamming all your socials. And to make it worse that try hard Ezra hasn't been leaving me alone at all!! And I even had to tolerate him sitting next to me...if I get some disease you know the cause.' This one made me laugh but also bite my lip knowing that Ashleigh was going to come over as soon as school was over and with her would come Carla and then I'll have a house full of two of the most inquisitive people I know and then they might end up finding the evidence. And I can't have those two knowing or my life would be over because of those pictures

'Sorry Ash I had to get a few things for the house and it was really urgent. I won't be home for awhile. See you at school tomorrow. :)' I texted back keeping it as vague as possible. I stared at the screen a little longer and decided that it would actually do me some good to get out of the house after everything and if I was out in public it's less likely they'll approach me. 

I took a random shirt and pair of jeans and went to bathroom knowing it was now the only place which provided me with privacy. In a few minutes I was done and brushed my hair, having no desire to try anything new with it I simply left it open but left a hair tie on my wrist just in case. I took a small bag with a few things and locked the door before leaving home. In no time I had already reached town and the everyone's chatting made the atmosphere feel so free and just happy.

'Maybe I should buy some groceries since I'm here, I am running low.'

As I walked to the store I heard children laughing and couldn't help but turn to that direction in curiosity. I smiled while looking at the park and couldn't help but head there. It was a beautiful wide open area with grass as green as they come and trees full of beautiful flowers of various colors. Families were spread out seated of blankets while the children ran around and couples were seated on the benches looking only at each other. I noticed an empty bench in the distance and walked over to it but as I got closer I could here weird sounds. It sounded like someone was chopping something up so I slowly inched closer and saw a figure bent over a rose bush with a pair of  scissors that seemed too large for a person to use.

I could see that it was a guy wearing a black hoodie and faded jeans with blonde hair sticking up in all directions and for some reason he used that giant pair of scissors to chop of all the roses from their stems... rather violently I must say. Biting my lip in contemplation I walked close until I was directly behind him and said, "You know flowers are alive too and they're probably screaming in pain because you're torturing them."

His hand froze and he slowly lowered the scissors a little before turning around and at that moment my eyes widened at attractive man in front of me. His skin was tanned as if he spent a lot of time out in the sun, his nose was covered with so many freckles that I had to look twice and before I even knew it my eyes locked with his own that resembled chocolate. 'No no no I can't look. Hoy guys are evil! I've already got those two torturing me, why did I have to open my mouth and approach this guy. I know, I'll just pretend nothing happened and walk away so I'll never see the handsome stranger again.'  

Before I turned around he stood up to his full height making me gulp as he seemed to be about 6'4, I raised my head as he opened his mouth and in a voice so husky any girl would swoon replied with his head tilted slightly, "That's an interesting way of describing what I'm doing." making my cheeks heat up and avoid looking at him.

'How do I pretend nothing happened now?'

 ~*~ A/N ~*~

Hello everyone...long time no see but here is another update hope it's up to standards. Anyway what do guys think of the new character? Do you like him, are you suspicious or are you like Luna and think that "Hot guys are evil". Well in the next few chapters we're going to find out. Until next time ;)


Scarlett vixen 

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