Chapter 20

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I continued walking upstairs with Luna over my shoulder as she continued squirming and trying to convince Griffin and I to let her go

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I continued walking upstairs with Luna over my shoulder as she continued squirming and trying to convince Griffin and I to let her go. We both remained silent, knowing that nothing she said would get us to leave. When we had first found out about that gardener we thought nothing of him since we assumed that the chances of them meeting again was really low. But for some annoying fucking reason they met again and Luna seemed to genuinely like him instead of us. 

She smiled around him and god damn, she looks beautiful when she smiles and that adorable way she blushes is enough to drive me mad. And the fact that she preferred to do those things around him and she let him touch her, is absolutely unacceptable. Luna belonged to us and no pathetic guy like that will take her away from us."Silas please just put me down! We can talk this out like normal people." she tried reasoning but I just rolled my eyes and boredly replied,"Well I assumed that by now you of all people would have realized that we aren't normal. Now you better shut it unless you want me to bruise your ass again." I smirked in triumph when not a single sound left her lips after my threat.

I finally reached the top and entered her room as if it was second nature, after all both Griffin and I knew her house better than our own. I threw her onto her bed and Griffin stood beside me and we both watched her inch backwards as if it would save her from us. She needed to be taught a lesson and as much as we care about her, my brother and I have a sadistic side that she apparently has no trouble bringing out.

"So kitten since you've been a very bad girl and intentionally disobeyed us you won't really have a say in what happens right now." I stated and the way her face contorted in frustration and fear only fuelled my amusement. 'That's right kitten, you should be afraid. So afraid that even the thought of your new friend gives you chills.'

Griffin walked closer to her bed until his legs touched it and excitedly said,"Baby why don't you come here and suck me off like a good little girl. If you do, I promise that I'll forgive you." Her eyes widened and her lips curled in disgust as she stayed glued to the wall probably desperate to keep the distance between them. "Get away from me! You're absolutely vile to think I would do that, you disgust me!" she screamed and even her face turned a little red in anger. I turned to my brother to see him smiling without breaking his gaze from Luna and in an instant he launched his body forward to grab her ankle but neither of us expected that she'd strike back and scratch his right cheek with her nails. 

'Damn, she's a feisty little kitten'

He froze with his head bent down but his grip on her ankle remained firm, in fact I guessed that it tightened a hell of a lot after her brief outburst. He looked up at her and with a swift pull she was right where he wanted her. She screamed again and laid numerous futile hits on him in an attempt to free herself. Finally it seemed like he had enough of her tantrum and pinned her down while mumbling,"I disgust you? Me? Why me!? You can't hate me baby... I can lose everything but not you, fuck not you."

It seemed like his words surprised her and when he wrapped his arms around her and said,"I just want to hold you, I just need you right now." she remained stunned and said nothing confused at his behaviour. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and ordered,"Griffin get off her, she's not getting off the hook so easily." He made no attempt to move so I grabbed the back of his hoodie and ripped him off her. I gave him a once over and took in his slighty bloody cheek before shoving him towards her bathroom and saying,"Go clean up those scratches and I'll take care of setting her straight." He simply glared me but after feeling the wetness on his cheek he sighed and went into the bathroom without question.

I turned back towards Luna and held out my hand while assuring her,"If you come willingly you and I both know it will end faster and without more pain than necessary. Besides, you know fighting against me is futile so why not take the easy way out?"

Her eyes were clenched shut and it seemed like she was still debating what her final decision should be so went closer to her and stroked her cheek while whispering,"I know that my brother threatened you with nude pictures but if you accept your punishment, I promise to delete every single one."

Her eyes opened in shock and she suspiciously asked,"And why should I believe that you'll keep your word?" In response I smirked because the answer was something so obvious,"Because you're ours and I can't let there even be chance of anybody else seeing you kitten."

She bit her lip as she shook her head in disbelief but she then grabbed my hand and sat up while saying,"Fine, but the moment your sick punishment is over. I want you both to leave and send me proof that the pictures are gone and not backed up anywhere else." I let out a laugh and pulled her closer while grabbing her waist,"Any other tastleless demands?."

She glared at me before lifting her chin and confidently stating,"I want you to remove the cameras you both use to spy on me." I rolled my eyes but refused to reply as I pulled her towards her window and pushed aside the curtains to make her stand against it. I pushed her until her palms were laid flat on the glass and my front was pressed into her.

I put my head on her shoulder and whispered,"Now isn't this the perfect place to play with you. The adrenalin from the thought of getting caught by someone you know, somebody who thinks you're the perfect good girl." She shook her head and tried to push herself away from the window but I just rubbed my hands along her waist and tried to keep her quiet.

While I undid my pants Luna kept muttering to herself,"No he's lying, he wouldn't do it. He just said he didn't want others to see me. He won't. He won't." Well she is right that I won't let anybody see her but she didn't need to know that, for now I needed to scare her enough to stay away from Chase. I pulled down the shorts she had under her dress along with her panties all while keeping my other hand over her mouth to muffle her screaming.

When her shorts hit the floor I pushed my cock between her thighs and almost trembled while kissing her neck and telling her, "Squeeze your thighs together for me kitten." Her legs shook but she tried her hardest to comply so I put one hand on her's to keep it on the window and the other on her waist.

I began rubbing myself against her and closed my eyes to just enjoy the feeling, I could never get enough of her. With each thrust forward her tears fell on her window sill as she let out choked gasps. I bit her ear and murmured, "You're all mine aren't you, Luna? You don't belong to that fucker right?" When I received no answer my grip on her tightened and I quickened my pace letting the tip of my cock rub against her clit making her let out a small grunt. "Answer me Luna, or we'll be here for a very long time." I said.

The room was dead silent until the words finally left her mouth, "I'm yours, all yours." she said while sobbing and clenching her fists. Her words and the sight of her so exposed to me was enough to push me over the edge and pull her flush against me while I enjoyed this moment. When it was over I tried pushing her hair out of her face because it was clinging to her sweaty skin but she flinched and nearly hit her head on her window making me reluctantly let go of her as she collapsed to the floor in tears. "Luna, you need to wipe yourself before it dries." I tried telling her in concern but it seemed like she was somewhere else and incapable of hearing me.

"Lu-" I began but she spoke without looking at me,"Just go Silas. You said you'd leave once you were done." I remembered that I did say something along those lines but still wanted to help her wash up but the sound of running footsteps had me turn my head to the bathroom as Griffin emerged with a bandage on his cheek, wearing a smile and panted,"That's not fair baby, I want my cum to stain you too. Don't play favorites."

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