Chapter 19

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"You know I've been thinking

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"You know I've been thinking..." Chase said while we sat on the bus taking us back to our town. I glanced at him as he continued after moving Eden into a more comfortable position since she dozed off ," How did you trust me so easily? You're afraid of me aren't you?".

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I quickly answered," I'm not afraid of you Goldie." He tilted his head before bringing his hand against my neck. I shut my eyes not knowing what he was up to and eventually felt his warm breath hit my ear as he whispered, " Then why is your heart beating so uncontrollably?" I slowly opened my eyes now realizing that Chase had checked my pulse and he had his own doubts and fears just like me and beneath his carefree exterior even he was nervous.

I sighed knowing that I had to be brave and truthful even if it was only for a moment, he at least deserved that much. I gently grabbed his face and made him face me while saying, " I'm nervous because you're kind of cute and I think I like you." I avoided looking at his eyes but I did notice that his neck and turned bright red and he stared at me while gaping like a fish making me laugh a bit. I let go of him and dug around in my bag until I found what I was looking for and pulled it out.

"Here Goldie, this is for you. Its like the one you won for me, now we can match", I smiled while handing him the mocha bear keychain and shaking the one he'd got me of the white bear, milk. (milk and mocha bear reference if anyone is confused) He still stayed silent making me wonder if I perhaps made a mistake saying anything but the little smile he had while staring at the keychain made all the nerves worth it.

I grabbed the seat in front of me as we lurched forward when the bus came to a stop. We made sure we had all our belongings before getting off, with me holding a teddy bear that Chase had won for Eden while he carried his still sleeping sister. The sky had darkened with the stars brightly twinkling as we stood near a lamp post silently.

"I suppose this is where our date ends..." he said quietly and I nodded slowly in response while avoiding his solemn gaze. "Well I did have an amazing time with you both and-" I started but was stopped mid sentence by Chase placing his hand over my mouth. He looked pointedly at me and whispered, "Stop."

I frowned behind his hand and asked,"Stop what?" but it came out muffled and sounded more along the lines of," Stoff whaf?". He brought his face closer to my own until his nose just graze my own and stared directly at me with an expression that could only be described as serious. He removed his hand from my mouth and replied, "You need to stop saying things that make me want to kiss you." then he smirked and tilted his head, "After all, I wouldn't want to send you home looking like you have a fever after only the first date."

I remained frozen in both shock and embarressment and my eyes widened when he kissed my forehead, "Would you mind if I walked you home, its pretty late and as much as our town is safe... you can never be too careful."

I looked up at him and parted my lips to reply but we both tensed as a firm hand landed on my shoulder and spoke up from behind me, "You shouldn't worry about that. My brother and I will be making sure that Luna is escorted home safely. After all she can be a bit of a baby sometimes and you should get home soon and put your sister in bed."

'So its Griffin that's behind me. Of course he'd know exactly where to find me and Silas can't be far behind. This is bad, Chase really needs to leave before he or Eden gets hurt.'

Chase put some distance between us but grabbed my hand as his eyes narrowed in suspicion at Griffin, "And who are you?" he asked with a calculating look. Griffin let out a loud gasp before saying," Oh my! Luna didn't tell you about her best friends? I'm absolutely devasted at how unimportant I am to you when we're so close."

Due to his statement Chase looked at me for confirmation and as much as every fibre of my being wanted to pull him and run away from the twins and to finally tell someone about the horrifying truth and what has been happening to me, I knew that I had no choice in the matter. If I tried revealing the truth now there's no doubt in mind that Chase would face dire consequences but going with them without any hassles might appease them.

I smiled at Chase and said, "Ignore this silly guy, he's just trying to be funny. They'll get me home safely so don't worry about it." It looked like he wanted to say something more but loud footsteps and a whistled tune made him stop to assess the approaching figure which turned out to be Silas, wearing all black and heavy combat boots which explained his loud footsteps.

Chase's eyes darted from left to right as he took in the similarities between Griffin and Silas before glancing at me again as I handed him Eden's teddy bear and saying," Well stay safe and I'll text you." he smiled at the twins while waving and said,"Nice to meet you guys too, hopefully we get a proper introduction soon."

Griffin laughed and threw his arm around me while saying,"Don't you worry buddy, we'll be sure to get her home safely. She's a little treasure after all,  We'll be sure to see you soon." Only now did I get to see him and was left questioning how different the twins were. While Silas wore dark clothes to no doubt avoid attention or maybe to display his dark brooding personality, Griffin wore a pair of green shorts and an orange hoodie with Garfield. They were perhaps total opposites of one another but a similarity I was sure of was their twisted belief that they owned me.

With those final words he turned around and began his walk home, I sighed in relief at the fact that he was now safe from the twins but couldn't help but watch as his figure grew smaller and smaller until it dissappeared from my sight. I clenched my fists as Silas circled me and continued whistling until he stopped in front of me and grabbed my chin. "Well what are you waiting for, Luna? We need to get you home safely so start walking." he explained as if he was talking to a child. Although I do have my suspicions that he would be considered a walking hazard around children.

"Wha-" Before I even began voicing my questions his harsh glare had me seal my lips and follow his orders. Throughout the walk home I was greatly surprised that they hadn't expressed any anger towards me or given me any threats, they had even maintained a modest distance from me as they trailed behind. I started hoping that perhaps they weren't angry and just wanted to be sure of my safety but the rational part of my mind reminded me that this could very well be an act. Either because we were out in the open and they wanted to keep a good image or because they wanted to give me a false sense of hope and security.

The latter seemed to suit them better.

I tried to speed up my pace not even paying attention to my surroundings as they blurred around me. My house soon came into view and my heart relaxed in relief when I finally reached the door and unlocked it. I opened the door while whispering,"Thank you for escorting me home and have a good night." Unfortunately for me they had no plans of going straight home and I was harshly shoved into my house with them following suit.

Silas then grabbed me and practically tossed me over his shoulders making me shout out in protest and shock while holding the back of my dress. He removed my hand and replaced it with his own while chuckling,"You didn't really think we'd leave that easily did you kitten? I thought you were smarter than that."

I glared at Griffin while hitting his brother's back and shouting,"You said you'd get me home safely, this is not safe!". He grinned in response while rubbing his chin as though he was in deep thought,"Well I did tell him that I'd get you home all safe and sound. And we did but we didn't mention anything about what would happen after you reached home" He came closer and rubbed my cheek before forcing his lips on mine in a kiss that was harsh enough to convey his anger but as he tried to deepen it I bit his lip hard enough to draw a bit of blood, making him wince but it did not deter him.

His eyes shot open and was as if they glinted as he shoved his tongue into my mouth making me cringe when I got the metallic taste of his blood. He soon pulled away but a trail of saliva and blood was left dripping from both our lips. He smirked while licking his lips and saying,"Oh how I've missed you baby, let's play."

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