2. New School.

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(A/n: This entire day will be multiple chapters. It's SOOOOO LONGGGG. Anyway! As of posting this, I haven't even finished the day in this book. Im not dragging it out, it's just got a couple events happening in it.)

In the morning, Ella wakes me up.

"Miss Stark, wake up. Your going to be late for school." Ella warns me.

I spring up forgetting that my dad told me before he brought me over to look at the new building, that I had school the next day. Which happened to now be today.

I peek my head through a room that I assumed was the bathroom, and after walking in, I decide I assumed correctly.

I walk in, and for 15 minutes I tried to figure out the controls for the shower, which was a lot harder then it should've been. Then I figure out that I need underwear, and a bra.

"Ella-" She cuts me off. She literally cuts me off.

"Your undergarments are in your bathroom. Just look around" she replies with sass.



After showering in the warm water that pleased my skin, I blow dry my hair. Then I walk out in nothing but a bra, and panties.

I need my outfit.

"Where's my favorite red skirt, and a matching graphic tee? Ella?" I ask her.

"There's a picture on the wall next to your bathroom. Tilt the frame." She instructs me.

I do so, and the wall opens up to my closet.

"You can also ask me to open to the closet. Tony gave me full function for your new room. Plenty of surprises await." She informs me, and after nodding to her statement, I go in.

"There should be a white box, that writes 'skirts', for all your skirts, and a brown box that reads 'graphic tees' for your shirt." She kinda obviously explains.

"Well...that was an unnecessary explanation." I mumble under my breath, as I search for the 2 boxes.

After 10 minutes of searching, I find the two boxes, and after an additional 10 more, I finally find the ones I wanted to wear.

After changing, I try to decide what to do with the rats nest I called my hair. I put it in a half messy bun, and leave the other half down.

I remember that I need deodorant, and I apply it, then some perfume.

"El's (a nickname I sometimes call her), where's my backpack?"

"Next to the door." She responds.

"Great!" I respond, happy that it wasn't hard to search for.

I grab my phone from my nightstand, and when I get to my door, I shove it in the pocket of my backpack.

I put my backpack on, and I walk out of the door. Only to have to turn around to go find my shoes.

Luckily for me, the shoes I wore yesterday worked, and all I needed were socks.

To my luck, I found a box of them before I needed to ask my AI.

I quickly put both of them on, and I exited for the second time.

I get down to the first floor after 20 minutes of getting lost, and trying to operate the freaking building.

When I get downstairs, I pull my phone out of my backpack. I call Happy, and he doesn't answer.

Great. I don't even have 10 minutes to wait.

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