1. New Room.

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(A/n: Welcome to my new book! Hope you enjoy! Whether you're a new follower, not a follower, or an old friend/follower, I accept, and welcome all people! Sit back, and please enjoy.)

Well. Here I am. In my new room.

New gray walls that I never knew. A white ceiling to be looked at, as I fall asleep with new thoughts in my head. A white door with new locks, and new technology.

My mind is racing.

I'm so used to my old room. I kinda hate it here. There's nothing special, and magical about a room that you didn't ask for.

I didn't want to move, but after Germany, and after my uncle Steve, and dad getting in the big fight, they finally, and thankfully mended their friendship again.  My uncle Steve is like a second dad, and he's almost if not more overprotective then the original.

As I plop onto the clean, ironed bed that I'm going to have to wake up in every morning, I sigh.

Why did we have to move?? I mean I get it. My dad, Iron-Man, and my unrelated uncle Steve, Captain America, got in a big fight, but why move??? The Sokovian Accords are still kinda unclear which I understand, but moving for no reason makes absolutely no sense.

I moved from my comfortable room that I've known a big portion of my life, to a room that felt like a stranger. The room was cold, and empty. Not of furniture, but of happiness. It was so bland, and boring. Nothing was special about it. I would feel uncomfortable calling it home.

I not only changed rooms, and the Avengers Tower, but now I have a new school to enroll in, no friends, no familiar comfortable spots, no favorite restaurants, nothing. All I have now is a depressing new start, and a new building to explore after we just 'HaD' to move upstate.

I stare at the ceiling, desperate for help about the situation. At least the Avengers got back together?

The worst part about this is that, I had already had a rough enough time in the old tower, but now I have to come upstate to a new one???

My dad is ALWAYS busy. He either is too busy, because of work, or too busy for me. He's always drinking, or finding something to do. Whether it's work, or it's something stupid, there's always time to forget about his daughter. Since his new recruit, Spider-Man, became half on the team, half not, he's been blaming his concentration being fixated on the new kid. I'm not mad at this new kid, but sometimes I wish he never met him.

To top it all off, Happy has been super distracted lately with something weird. So weird that he's been forgetting to (or deciding to not) drop me off at places. Or picking me up. He won't tell me anything about why, and stays low. Always avoiding questions, and sneaking off. If it wasn't for Happy not having super strength, and it being totally insane, I would say he was Spider-Man himself. Who my dad also hasn't let me meet for whatever reasons.

So here I am now. In my uncomforting, cold-

"Hello miss Stark." Ella suddenly speaks, and I jump. Her voice brings me out of my thoughts as I realize it's just my AI, and I respond.

"Hey Ella"

E.L.L.A. stands for: 'Everyone's lies linger about.' I made it when I was like 10, trying to sound all cool, but I just couldn't think of what acronym to do.

I made my own AI, and my dad didn't even find out until a year after I made her.

At least he cared enough to add her to my new room's tech design.

The new door opens, and my dad stands there with an upset face. Either I'm in trouble, or he just got angry about someone, or he's looking for someone which he's upset about. He hates having to look for people.

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