1:10 There's A World Where Your Dreams Come True

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There's A World Where Your Dreams Come True
Part 3

There's A World Where Your Dreams Come TruePart 3————

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Lizzie looked at her dad in shock. "Triad got wind of our location." He started. ""With Josie gone, we decided to take a stand and put an end to this once and for all." Alaric stated.

You guys turned a corner. "Oh god.." Lizzie said. "You're gonna get slaughtered. And it's all my fault." You came to a stop as Lizzie slowed down.

"No, it's my fault." Alaric spoke honestly. "I should've never kept that secret from you." He said.

Lizzie looked at him, confused. "What secret?" She inquired.

Alaric sighed. "Your mom and I had been waiting for the right time to tell you a piece of your family history, but... we waited too long." Alarics eyes geared up.

"What family history?" Lizzie asked.


Alaric breathed in, not breaking eye contact with Lizzie. "There's something that happens to twins born into your coven, like you and Josie. When you turn 22, the Gemini must merge." You looked down, thankful you weren't a twin.

"Merge?" She asked.

You cut in. "It's a battle of will. Only the strongest of the two twins will survive it." You looked down, feeling Lizzie looking at you.

Lizzie looked between the two of you. "So one of us would have to kill the other one?" She asked.

Alaric nodded in confirmation. "We've been trying to find a way to prevent it, ever since you were little kids." He paused. "That's why your mom's always off traveling. We tried to keep it from you as long as we could. But when we turned the house into a rescue operation, one of the witches who was passing through told you the story of the Gemini, and you..." Alaric trailed off, looking down.

"Dad.." Lizzie said, causing you and him to look up at her. "What did I do..?" She questioned.

"You got scared, Lizzie." You cut in, Lizzie looking at you. "You had one of your episodes, and you went dark. Paranoid." You looked back and forth between her eyes. "To you, Josie became your biggest threat. You became obsessed with winning, and then you lost control." You saw how Lizzie's eyes geared up.

A few tears dropped from Lizzie's face. "I killed her." Lizzie cried.

"It was an accident." Alaric spoke calmly.

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