pack mentality pt. 2

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after Scott left to go to his job y/n also started to leave before being stopped by the by stiles grabbing her arm "wait!" he slightly shouts. The (Y/H/C) girl turned around to face the boy with a look of confusion "what?" she asked. He let go of her hand and let his fall to his side, he tilted his head to the side looking at me as if he was trying to read me or something. " why are you so hell bent on keeping scott and i safe?" he asked shaking his head face still masking confusion. Y/ns face softened at the question she shrugged her shoulders and began walking to her car while thinking of her honest answer with stiles following. " i dont know, its an urge i guess. I was in you guys shoes once and i didnt have anyone to fall back on, i dont want that happening to you guys." she said. "plus its kinda my job to, more so you now." she finished. Stiles stared at her somewhat confused "what do you mean?" he asked. as they reached her car she sighed leaning on the hood "my job in the supernatural world is to protect those who need protecting, and sometimes im individually assigned to people. my urge to protect you is stronget than scotts almost as strong as dereks but not quite" she explained. "but why?". once again the girl shrugged"i dont know but it may have something to do with the fact that ive practically known you your entire life" she said carefully hoping that it wouldnt anger the boy somehow. stiles just stared at the girl masking confusion until his faced morphed into shock "holy god! Y/N!" he yelled pulling me into a hug. though this time she expected the hug from the other stilinski and she smiled and hugged back. "i cant belive this, i havent seen you since i was like 5" he said making her laugh. "this is amazing i agree, but i have to get home before Derek shows up here and rips you apart for making me late" she jokes and his eyes widen as he nods vigurously before walking away making the girl laugh once again.


Y/n parked farther away from the hale house because derek didnt want anyone to get any ideas which by that he meant hunters, which yn couldnt argue but she will give him a small piece of her mind for making her walk so far with no company, yeah shes a werewolf and gets plenty of extersize, that doesnt mean she enjoys the long walks from the entrance of Beacon Hills Preserve to the annoyingly handsome hales house.

when she arrived she walked through the door calling for derek "der? i'm home" she said making her way through the house searching for the tall dark haired man. She knew he was there because she felt him, kind of like a string pulling her towards him. She found him asleep on the couch he looked so peaceful. she smiled at the look of peace that overcame his features every once in a blue moon. " do you have to stare at me every time you find me asleep?" he sassed still half asleep. " that's no way to greet your girlfriend, now is it?" she sassed scoffing. he opened his eyes letting a smile form and opened his arms inviting her to cuddle. Y/N smiled and immedeatly jumped in his arms making him let out a 'umph' causing her to giggle.

she laid cuddling with Derek for a while before we heard a car parking in front of the house making y/n and Derek groan "will we ever be able to have some sort of peace in this town?" she grumbled getting off of Derek.

They made our way upstairs to get a better view on the person (who turns out to be a cop) while staying out of his eyesight. i stood in front of derek peering down at the man who was obvously uneasy as he was startled by his dog barking "stop that" he said scolding the dog. The dog now looking up at the window that we stood at and started barking even more and she felt his heartrate speed up. this confused y/n and she turned her head back to derek to see his eyes shining blue.

Y/n rolled her eyes turning back to the dog who now had saliva splattering everywhere. this made the deputy even more unerved as he looked up to the same place the dog was before deciding to leave. As the deputy drove off she turned back towards derek only to see him smirking in satifaction "you are evil you know" y/n said to him pushing his shoulder back in a playful manner. he smiled at thet and said "what did i do?" feigning innocence. "you were close to making the poor things heart-." She cut herself off turning back to the window. She picked up on a energy. A now well known energy to her Derek went to ask what was wrong but stopped when he heard footsteps. They saw Scott emerge from the woods and step on to the hale property.

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