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I begin to drive back home, I exit the parking lot and take the main road into town. Its now 6:30 pm and rather late for me to have dinner in time. So I decide to stop at the local burger shop. 

"Sweetie, I'm going to stop at Paul's Burgers tonight for dinner."

Before I can finish I hear a big "YAYYYYYYY, DADDY" coming from my backseat.

"okay, baby what would you like to eat little one?"

"Chicken fingers, daddy"

"Okay princess"

I drive into the restaurant's drive-thru window and I am approached by a teenage girl. 

"Hello welcome to Paul's, what can I get for you tonight?" she says.

"Good evening, I will take a double-bacon cheeseburger combo with a large cherry coke and a 5 piece chicken strip combo with an apple juice."

She then responds, "unfortunately we don't have cherry coke at the moment."

"A large sprite, will be fine"

"Okay gotchu, I'll bring your order out in a few moments. Your total will be $21.75"

I hand her $30, "Don't worry keep the change" 

"Thank you, sir"

Within 3 minutes, she returns with our bag of food and our drinks.

"Y'all have a good night" 

"You too"

After getting our food, I make our way home. I drive out of the drive thru and onto the main road and straight to the highway. I decided to take the highway instead of the back roads tonight because it is rather late. It was a nice drive back home, once I got to exit 18, I exit the highway and went down the country road. I continue down the road for a few miles until I saw the entrance to my property and open my gate with the remote. I drove pass the gate and down my driveway until reaching my house. Once at the house I open and drove into the garage. 

"We are home princess."

"Yay, daddy" Jane responded with a huge smile. 

I got out of my SUV and went around to Jane's door, I open her door and guided her out. I then open the front passenger door and grabbed our food. I close the door and walk towards the garage door leading into the living room. I open the door and have Jane enter the house, and I follow behind. I make way towards the dinning room table and place our food on it. 

I sit Jane on the chair and promptly lay out her food in front of her. I then take my burger out of the bag and take a sit. I look over and see little Jane stuffing her face with fries and looking just adorable. 

"Do you need help opening this princess?" I ask holding her juice box.

"yes dada"

I then poke the straw into the juice box and hand it back to little Jane. Jane proceeds to take a sip of juice and continues to eat her chicken strips and fries. I also begin digging into my burger and fries. Once I finish my meal, I take some refreshing sips of my sprite and notice that Jane has fully finished eating her meal.

"Wow someone was hungry"

"Yes, daddy I was super hungry. Tank chu dada. Chicken fingers are my favorite."

"I known baby."

"Do you wanna go watch some cartoons princess?"

"Yes daddy, uppies please!" Jane screams as she makes some grabby hands. 

Before I lift Jane up, I decide to do a quick diaper change. I lift up her skirt and pull her Goodnite and notice it is all stained yellow and then run my index finger down the leg guard to confirm that she is in fact soaked. Once I am done, I lift Jane up and begin to walk out of the dinning room and up the stairs. I make way to her room and once we entered, I gently lay Jane down on her bed. I turn around and open the dresser drawer and took out a pull up, wipes, and baby powder.

"Time for a daipee change little one"

"otay dadda" Jane says smiling. 

"Lay back princess" 

Jane laid back on her bed and I proceeded to lift up her skirt exposing her wet diaper. I rip the slides of the goodnite gently and pull it down and off her. I then proceeded to wipe her princess parts and bottom with baby wipes. Once she was all clean, I open the sides of the pull up and slid it under her bottom. While her legs were up I sprinkle baby powder all over her bottom and proceeded to cover her princess parts in powder as I brought her legs down. I then brought the front of the pull up over her princess parts and close the sides. I stood Jane up and gave her padded bottom a couple of diaper pats, which made some excess baby powder escape and briefly scented the room. 

"Do you wanna watch some TV little one?"

"YESSS daddy!" Jane screams

"Okay princess lets go to the living room"

I take Jane by the hand and guide her out of the room and down the stairs to the living room. Once in the living room, she goes to sit on the couch and I turn on the TV. I put on Tangled and watch little Jane get excited. 

"Okay baby, enjoy your movie. Daddy will be right back."

"Daddy, but I wanna watch the movie with you"

"I will be quick princess, I promise I will be right back"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pink promise princess"

"Otay daddy"

I make my way to the garage and to my G Class, I open the trunk and take out the bags we left. As I make my way back into the house I drop my lunch bag in the kitchen and go to my office to drop off my work bag. I then head back to the kitchen and take the contents of the lunch bags out and throw away the trash from lunch and dinner. I give the lunch dishes a quick rinse and place them into the dish washer. 

After I am down with cleaning up, I head back into the living room to enjoy sometime with Jane. Much to my surprise little Jane is sound asleep. Poor little thing must've been super tired from the day. I turn off the TV, and carry her upstairs to her room I lay her on her bed. I carefully begin to undress Jane, I remove her T-shirt, then her bra, and proceed to remove her shoes and socks. I finally remove her skirt and check to see if she is still dry by sweeping my finger within her leg guard, luckily she is but I know that her pull up will not last all night. I grab a goodnite from her drawer and slide it up her legs. Jane will sleep double padded tonight to ensure her bed will remain dry. Once I am done, I grab a pastel blue nightgown and begin to dress Jane for the night. I simply pass Jane's head and arms into the nightgown and she slips right in. Once she was dressed, I laid her on her back and covered her with her blanket and quietly walked out of her room.

It has been a very exhausting day and I was pretty tired. I went back to my room and took a nice hot shower. I brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. Luckily tomorrow I have the day "off" and plan to spend it at home.

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