♡𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1: 𝑫𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒃𝒐𝒚♡

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Hitoshi was going punish the delivery boy. He was fucking sick and tired of waiting for his food. He /just/ got back from the longest stakeout of his life and he was assured that for a huge tip the food we be extra fast.

But it's been an entire hour since he ordered takeout. Normally, this wouldn't bother him at all but he hadn't slept in nearly three days and he was ready kill someone. He almost felt bad for the poor fucker who had to ring his doorbell.

However, Hitoshi was /floored/ when he opened the door and saw the cutest mother fucker who'd ever lived. Rosy, freckled cheeks, bug watery eyes, and the cutest pout he'd ever seen. Suddenly he didn't want to yell at him, he wanted to /ruin/ him.

The delivery angel immediately started blabbering. "I'm so sorry, sir! I know I was supposed to be fast but my car broke down! And then it was raining and I was alone! Please please forgive me! I ran all the way here!" Then he bowed. "Please accept the food free! As an apology!"

Hitoshi cocked an eyebrow, a smirk dancing across his lips. "Nah, I'll need a better apology." "Anything! I can pay you for your time but I don't have much money." "Hmmm, maybe. But I think I'd rather trade your time for my time."

The cutie's brows furrowed in confusion, his pout deepening. "I don't understand." "Simple. You're going to come in and spend the night with me. What's your name?" The blush in the delivery boy's cheeks was beautiful. "M-my name is Midoriya Izuku. But I think I'm confused?"

"Confused?" "Well, uhm, that sounded like a proposition and there's no way you meant it like that. I mean look at you and look at me? Plus, you're Mindjack! So that doesn't make any sense. A hero like you could have anyone."

Izuku knew who he was? Fuck, that just made it better. "Well, surprise surprise fanboy that's /exactly/ what it was. Now, either leave or get your ass in here. Up to you, /Izuku/." The delivery boy hesitated, looking around like he was hoping for some random sign.

But after his hesitation he took a deep breath and entered the apartment. "I- I would like to make it up to you," Izuku said. Looking up at Hitoshi behind his curls, his emerald eyes glimmering. Fuck, he was too cute for his own good. Hitoshi was going to destroy him.

He slammed the front door closed, and pressed Izuku up against it. Letting his hands go everywhere as they locked lips. Hitoshi plunged his tongue in, dancing around Izuku's as he just took /everything/. He was hard in a second, grinding his aching cock against Izuku's.

God this is just what I fucking needed. Some cutie whining for me." "Ah! Not cute. You're cute! So pretty! Mindjack you're one of my favorite heroes," Izuku cried out. God it felt good to hear that in Izuku's breathy, wanton voice. He sounded like he was begging for it.

Hitoshi chuckled. "So slutty. You don't even care about my quirk? Shouldn't you be afraid?" "Never! You're such a good hero." Those words almost made Hitoshi come on the spot. But he'd much rather fill up Izuku.

So he grabbed him by the thighs and pushed him up against door. He pressed two fingers into Izuku's mouth. "Suck, pretty boy. Get them real wet so I can stretch you open." Izuku /moaned/ like a fucking porn star, his tongue slurping at Hitoshi's fingers in desperation.

It was so lewd. He looked like a professional whore as he trembled with lust. His eyes were glassy, and he was drooling. And he was fucking gorgeous. Hitoshi couldn't wait anymore, pulling his fingers away before ripping Izuku's pants open and circling his rim.

When he sank in, it was /so/ easy. "Ha! You really must be a slut, you stretch so easy, baby." "No! No I'm not! I promise! Only slept with one guy, not a slut, I promise." Izuku's voice cracked and Hitoshi was suddenly nervous.


id he go too far? He didn't want to scare the precious angel, but he was fucking riled up. "Fuck, it's fine. Didn't mean it. You're just /so good/." "I like to play with myself! I have a really big dildo but it's never enough!"

"Yeah? How about my cock instead?" Izuku screamed. "Yes! Yes! Right now! Want it so bad! Fuck me open!" Hitoshi had never been a people pleaser but he'd rather /die/ than deny Izuku anything. So he quickly freed his throbbing cock, dripping with precome, and then pressed it in.

Izuku's hole was still so fucking tight and hot. And it fucking sucked him in like a cock hungry whore. Hitoshi was in heaven, fucking in and out as he bit down on Izuku's neck. The foyer sounded like an orgy with all the noises streaming from their lips.

It was so filthy, they barely knew each other but Izuku was so responsive. And the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. Hitoshi thought it might be love at first fuck. But it was too good. He was already careening towards the edge.

His nerves felt like they were on fire, his gut tightening as he felt it getting closer. "Gonna come, baby. Gonna fill you up. That ok?" "Yes! Please hero! You're so good! So perfect! Wanna feel your hot come!" Hitoshi fucking lost it.

His whole body shuddered as ecstasy and pleasure took over every waking thought. He didn't even notice Izuku came just as hard, dirtying their clothes as he whined and whimpered. "Need it out now. Too sensitive." Hitoshi giggled. "You got it baby, let's clean you up."

Then, he carried a virtual stranger back to his bedroom, and wiped him up with a warm washcloth. Once Izuku's post-orgasmic bliss passed though he started to squirm. "Uhm. I should probably go? My boss will want me back."

"Just text them that your car broke down. I've /never/ met someone like you and you're staying over." "Is that a good idea? I don't want to impose." "It's a great idea," Hitoshi said as he stripped off his clothes.

"Now, I'd like to cuddle if that's alright? Believe it or not fucking delivery boys is a bit of a new one for me." Izuku giggled. "I guess that's alright. But uhm, I don't know your name." He blinked at Izuku before letting out a snort. "God I'm a moron. My name is Hitoshi."

Izuku blushed. "Hi, Hitoshi." Hitoshi let himself smile, before it shifted into something sexier. "Can't wait to hear you scream my actual name next time. Cause there's definitely going to be a next time."

1131 words in total.

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