♡𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3: 𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒌𝒖 𝒔𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔♡

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KamiDeku siblings AU
Rich ShinDeku
Adopted Denki
No quirk AU
Highschool AU

Izuku and Hitoshi have known each other since birth

They promised to marry each other when the time comes

But at the age of 8, Denki got adopted by the Midoriya's

And Denki started liking Hitoshi

Which he ruins everything between Izuku and Hitoshi

At 16

Denki: Let's go to the cafe after school ^^
Hitoshi: Sorry Kaminari but I'm going somewhere with Izu-
Izuku: I'm going with someone after school
Hitoshi: ?! But you promised to watch a movie with me!?
Izuku: ...
Hitoshi: *clench fist*
Denki: We can hangout instead!
Hitoshi: I-i guess we can...

After school

Hitoshi: *ditches Denki and went for a walk since he's annoyed*
Shoto: *courting Izuku even tho he knows Izuku likes Hitoshi*
Hitoshi: *frowns* 💭 another rival.💭
Shoto: Should we go watch the new movie? It's your favorite type of genre right?
Izuku: Yeah
Shoto: Let's go?
Izuku: *nods*
Hitoshi: ...

The next day

Hitoshi: You went to watch the movie without me?
Izuku: ...
Hitoshi: Are you dating him?
Hitoshi: Don't lie!
Izuku: ?! I'm not lying!
Hitoshi: Yeah right you're obviously ditching me for him! You promised to marry me but you're with someone else?!
Izuku: Just go and marry Denki. We're the same person and personality.
Hitoshi: Huh?! Izuku stop this!
Izuku: ... *left*
Hitoshi: *clench fist*
Denki: *heard* 💭Izuku...💭

After school

Shoto: ... *hugs Izuku* I'm here for you
Izuku: ... *hugs back*
Hitoshi: ... *clench fist* 💭 not dating huh?💭
Izuku: *see Hitoshi* ...
Hitoshi: *leaves*
Izuku: ...

Since then Izuku and Hitoshi never talked again
They miss each other a lot
But Hitoshi tried not to miss Izuku -they're 18 btw-

A month since then

Izuku: *was paired with Hitoshi and Shoto for a group project and in the Todoroki's* 💭 this is awkward...💭
Shoto: Can we start?
Izuku: *nods*

After doing the project

Izuku: 💭finally done 💭
Hitoshi: I'm going.
Shoto: Izuku, are you staying over?
Izuku: Yeah
Hitoshi: *clench fist*


Shoto: Me and Izuku aren't dating.
Hitoshi: ...
Shoto: Izuku likes you, not me
Hitoshi: What's your point?.
Shoto: My point is get your shit together. You have a choice. If you're gonna go after Izuku or if you're gonna let me take him away from you
Hitoshi: Like I'd let you.
Shoto: Then act like it. *goes back inside*
Hitoshi: *glares*
Shoto: 💭 Izuku would be much happier with him.💭

The next day

Hitoshi: ... I'm sorry
Izuku: You don't have to apologize. It's my fault-
Hitoshi: No, I'm the one who's at fault. Once again I'm sorry.
Izuku: *awkward smile* It's fine. I'm so-
Hitoshi: I'm gonna make you mine. I'll court you.
Izuku: What
Hitoshi: I don't like Kaminari. It's you who I like.
Izuku: N-no
Hitoshi: Why not?
Izuku: Denki likes you
Hitoshi: Be selfish for once.
Izuku: B-but-
Denki: *goes to them*
Hitoshi: *frowns*
Denki: ...Izuku, please don't mind me. I... I didn't even notice that you like Hitoshi too... I was being selfish I'm sorry...
Izuku: Denki-
Denki: I don't mind if you date him. Hitoshi doesn't like me, he likes you.
Izuku: Oi-
Denki: I'll get going *bows and leaves*
Hitoshi: ... You heard him
Izuku: ...
Hitoshi: Do you like me or not?
Izuku: I-i do like you...
Hitoshi: Then be with me.
Izuku: But-
Hitoshi: Todoroki said it himself yesterday. He was ready to give you away.
Izuku: ...
Hitoshi: Make your decision.
Izuku: ... o-okay I-ill date you...
Hitoshi: *smiles and hugs Izuku* You won't regret it
Izuku: *hugs back*

A month later

Denki: Who are we waiting for?
Hitoshi: My friend
Denki: Okay

Once they arrive

Eijiro: *runs to them* Yo! *hugs Izuku* Hey Midobro!
Hitoshi: Hey! He's mine!
Eijiro: Sheesh😒 *hugs Denki* I missed you too!
Denki: T//-//T
Izuku: You two know each other?
Eijiro: I said I'll marry him once I get back U-U
Izuku: I- 💭 what's with the marrying part?💭
Shoto: *left out* 💭nice.💭
Tenya: *just arrived because they took a different flight* Izuku!
Izuku: Tenten!
Tenya: *runs to him and hugs him*
Shoto: Can we go now? I'm starving
Tenya: Who is he?
Izuku: Shoto, my best friend
Tenya: Ohhh
Shoto: 💭 he's cute 💭

713 words in total

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