the four wind swordsmen

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these are the stories of a small group of legendary warriors, and their legendary weapons. have a seat and listen well to the story of the four wind swordsmen. to begin with we have....

the north wind- Jokul Fimblvintr, a very large burly man who wields a large two handed, brutal looking blade imbued with the power of ice and snow.

it is said as he fights a natural cold aura forms around him, and if the fight is too drawn out it eventually will start turning the blood of his foes to

slush. in stories he is known as a classic barbarian berserker type of person, whilst in reality is a pretty laid back calm individual.

he wears very heavy crystalline armor, whose material is naturally resistant against the power of flame and heat, at the same time it is also imbued with

runes that moderately protect the wearer from most magic based attacks, lessening the damage dealt by their power. Jokul was once a thane within

a stronghold of warriors renown for their ferocity and skill on the battlefield, these warriors would meet their doom not by the blade of a skilled foe,

but in their sleep during a particularly bad blizzard. the ice cold regrets of these warriors embedded themselves within Jokul's blade, whilst their spirits

took residence within his body so that they may taste battle through his hand. at times one of his fallen companions may be given control of the body if

they are better suited to dealing with whatever particular situation he is dealing with. Jokul has been said to cry at times in the midst of battle if his

Foe is particularly skilled, lamenting the loss of his companions to never know the thrill of a worthy adversary. It is said his ultimate goal is to give his fallen compatriots a fight so legendary that they may finally pass on to Valhalla, and also to reestablish his warriors stronghold one day and bring its name into legend. you'd best beware, those who face the power of Fimblvintr, or you may find your very soul frozen and smashed into pieces.


the eastern wind- Fumetsu Fushicho (不滅の鳳凰), a wandering Ronin in search of redemption for a sin not her own, this warrior is said to wield a katana,

imbued with the power of the phoenix, while most look at a phoenix and only see the fire, Fumetsu sees it for what it really is, the spark that makes

one want to keep living, in physical form. foregoing armor, she prefers to either wear a silk kimono, or a simple villagers outfit with a cloak and a straw hat, she relies not on the protection of steel, but on her warrior training to not be hit. She has been quoted as saying "I do not plan to let my enemies hit me, so why should I wear armor?" This warrior's weapon gives off a pleasant warmth that is capable of healing her allies and herself.

it is said that if the wielder of this blade were ever to die, in the midst of a fight, the phoenix slumbering within will emerge and wreak havoc on her

foe before reviving the fallen warrior and retreating back into the blade. content with simply helping others in need this swordswomen

tries her best to avoid conflict, but those who have tasted the bite of her blade know better than to force her hand, she is said to be the user of a

technique known as the "four-fold heavenly flash of light" which is said to remove all of an enemy's limbs in the blink of an eye.

her sensei was a renowned samurai, who liked to drink heavily, one night, in a drunken rage, the samurai slaughtered an entire village, due to the fear of the consequences, he claimed it was his student, Fumetsu who went mad with power from the techniques he had taught her, and thus she was exiled from civilization in shame. the final gift to make up for his dishonorable act was to give her the sword she wields, made with an ancient forgotten technique to make it particularly sharp and durable, it only gained its powers after she impressed an ancient and powerful phoenix in combat, who agreed to share his power with her by living within the blade. They now fight side by side doing all they can to help those in need, whilst also trying to find a way to prove themselves innocent, and bring their sensei to justice. Her natural healing ability granted by the ancient phoenix is said to not only ease wounds, but to ease one's mind and one's spirit, it is thanks to this that she can keep herself calm and collected despite her particularly difficult situation. fear this mighty wandering Ronin, who will give those who do evil the most comfortable death one could ever experience.

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