Cup of Love

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Author's POV

Sitting alone in a two-seater table, just beside the glass panes of the coffee shop, Nanon unzips his bag that contains his laptop. He takes a sip of his all-time favorite drink in Bean n Love Café and he started to unpile his tasks from the Music Club that are sitting in his to do list for the past week now.

"If I knew that being a freshman volunteer is this exigent, I would've questioned my decisions beforehand." He uttered to himself out of frustration.

The amount of caffeine in his drink is enough to keep him alert and have his mind work beyond the usual. His fingers quickly shift from one key to another, while his eyes focus on the screen. His only break is taking a good sip from his source of energy. He really is being productive today.

He suddenly felt the urge to take a leak so he rushed to the bathroom. After emptying his bladder, he washed his hands on the lavatory then air-dried using the hand dryer. Feeling a bit cute, he took a glimpse of himself from the mirror and fixed his hair.

"Must stay cute and presentable at all times in case I meet my senior crush!" The senior crush he's pertaining to is Chimon, the Vice President of the Music Club.

He unlocks the bathroom and heads back to his table. On his way, he almost bumped into this man taking a picture of a painting near the bathroom. Good thing he had avoided the person immediately or else they would've caused physical pain to each other.

Nanon's POV

"Geez that was close." I whispered.

I noticed that I'm almost done with my goal for today. I will not do all of these in one sitting. The rest will be accomplished tomorrow.

I searched for my phone in my bag and browsed my socials. There's a message from Pluem, my fellow freshman volunteer from the club, asking where I am. All of us in the club agreed to meet in one place to discuss some matters but I decided to ditch them and do my tasks alone. This is my first time ditching them. Little to no work is accomplished when we gather, as they put gossiping about our professors and other students their top priority.

I dismissed Pluem's message and continued scrolling through my IG feed, which I regret doing.


Chimon posted a photo of one of the paintings from the café and it was posted just now.

"One hot espresso for Mr. Chimon."

A person from the table behind me stood up after the barista's call. My eyes widened and visible state of shock can be seen on my face. I'm really astounded. I cannot process what is happening nor move a single muscle. With frozen hands, my phone slipped out of my palm down to the floor. Chimon is already heading to the counter to grab his coffee but the impact echoed across the whole shop, enough for him to notice me.

'Well fuck...'

Chimon's POV

"Well, I think our agenda for today is done. See you all again in a day or two."

Finally, I can have my much awaited break from university duties. As we part ways, I saw a shop that I kept on seeing on my social media accounts.

'Is that the café everyone in the campus is talking about? How nice, only few are seated.'

I then walked towards the shop to grab some hot coffee. The moment I entered, I saw this very familiar school bag and laptop case. I swear I've seen it before. But I must be mistaken these things to someone else.

"One hot espresso please"

"Is this for here or to go?"

"For here"

"Got that. Your total is 125 Baht."


"Here's your receipt and the WiFi password. May I know their name to be called when your coffee is ready?"


"Alright then. Please be seated for a while. Thank you Sir!"

"Thanks too"

I took a seat behind the table where I saw the familiar bag and laptop. They're the only one occupying the row so might as well fit myself in.

I am very mesmerized by the interior design of this place. The ambiance is also light, perfect place for studying. But now is not the time for that. I'm here to free myself and my mind.

I noticed that there are pen marks on my palm so I decided to go to the lavatory to have it washed. Unfortunately, it can only accommodate one person at a time. It was already occupied by someone. But that's okay, I can go back later.

As I head back to my seat, I noticed this very detailed painting hanging on the wall. I am not a big fan of arts and stuff but this one really captured my liking. Maybe because there is a figure of guitar in it. I took my phone out of my pocket and captured a photo of it then posted it on my IG.

Just when I finished capturing and posting, I felt someone behind my back walked past me and they almost bumped into me. I suppose they're from the toilet since the painting is just a couple of walks from it. I took the chance; I walked to the lavatory to have my hand washed real quick and went back to my seat after.

"One hot espresso for Mr. Chimon."

I stood up from my seat when I heard my name. While walking towards the counter, I heard a loud noise that echoed across the whole shop. And it was from the table next to mine. Seems that their phone dropped to the floor which caused a great impact. The person from that table quickly went under the table to grab the fallen object and when they finally got back to their seat, I immediately recognized that person as Nanon, the freshman volunteer from our music club. I knew it. He owns that bag and laptop because I always see him bring those things when we have a meeting.

Our eyes met for a couple of seconds so I'm pretty sure he recognized me too. But I'm quite not sure if he's happy to see me because... his face... is like he's seen a ghost or something.

— to be continued

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