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-Steve's perspective-

"He's so weird." Robin was leaning against the counter in front of me. I just helped the freak of Hawkins look for a stupid horror movie. It was about murder, blood, dying, and blood again. Is he a crazy person who likes looking at blood or something? What if that is his k-.

"Come on... He's not that bad." Robin broke eye contact and looked down at something. 

I follow her glance and saw that she was messing with a pen on the counter. She was rolling it with her fingers from left to right. That's so smooth but what if-. 

I shook my head to get back on track. "He smells. I mean, come on. The mix of weed, cheap cologne, and cinnamon?

Robin lets a grin fall onto her face. "Look at you being a creep and smelling him." She hit my shoulder and laughed at her comment.

Before I could say anything, a female walked in. It looked like she just got off a party. She was wearing a red dress with flowers on it. It was cute but also very exposed. Robin gave me a quick smirk before turning toward the customer. I walked to a door with a sign saying: 'Staff Only!'. When I opened the door, there was a room. It was small and quite dark. There was a counter with a microwave sitting on top. A small fridge is standing next to it. People use it for storing their lunch in it. 

My eyes wandered to a corner. New movies in boxes still had to be restocked in the corner of the small room. No one wanted to do it because of much work it was. The last time I had to do it, took me around three days to do it. It's tiring but our boss promised a lot of money for the person who did it, he didn't tell us how much extra. I didn't care about that. I could use every penny right now, especially with the thing going on right now. 

A groan left my mouth before grabbing an empty box and placing it above the filled one. It was less heavy than I had imagined. Opening the door was a struggle. I used my elbow to push down the handle. 

I walked over to the shelves and sat the box down next to them. I grabbed the empty one and whipped it open. It made a strange noise from doing that. While holding up the box, I placed the old movies in there. A part of the horror section was getting replaced. Some horror movies that came out this year are replacing the old ones. I know that a few people come here often, like the classic ones. Our boss told us to stock the old ones in the back, not wanting to disappoint a few people. He didn't care if the boxes were taking up the place, anything for more cash. That is what the boss is all about, money. 

I picked up the now empty box and folded it close. I did the same thing as in the beginning, only this time in reverse. Once behind the counter, I smelled something coming from Robin's pocket. A smirk sneaked onto my face before entering the back room. I slammed the door close with my foot.

-Robin's perspective-

As I watched Steve closing the door with a smirk on his face, I felt the female come closer to me. She was leaning on the counter inches away from my face. Does she wanna kill me or something? I watched as she was pushing her breast up. Her ass was swinging from left to right. It was hypnotizing. I swallowed when she leaned into my ear.

"Are you single?" Her voice was too innocent in this situation. 

My whole body shivered when her breath hit my ear. She gave me puppy eyes when she went back to her usual spot. She's definitely killing me.

"No-  I mean yes! I'm single but not alone. I have friends and they care about me. But yeah, definitely single. I was just waiting for someone to pick me up. I have been single for almost my whole life on the part. You probably don't care about that though. You're a stranger that I just met. Not that you are strange! You're beau-"

"God, stop talking!" The girl had a face of disgust on her. "I didn't want you, faggot. I don't care if you're lonely or if you have 'Friends'." She made air quotes. "I just wanted to know if you were dating that hottie in there." She pointed towards the door behind me. "But you aren't, so. Tell me, faggot. Is he taken by anyone?".

I could feel my blood boiling. Of course, she didn't want me. It's always Stevie that and Stevie this. I hate that it's always him and not me. But, I hate it more when sluts like her want to hurt him. Who does she think she is, wanting to hurt my best friend? Fucking bitch! I mean, look at you. A pathetic, dirty, hot, and cute-looking whore!

"Oh cutie, he's not a sex doll for you to use.

I slapped her hands away from under her head. A giggle left my mouth when I saw her head fall on it. I put my hand on her head and applied pressure on it. She let out a whine causing me to laugh even more. 

I pulled her up by her beautiful, shiny black hair. "So I recommend looking for someone else who is dumb enough to wanna date you.

"Are you even single, whore?" I giggle when I saw her eyes pop open in surprise.

I was really protective of my best friend, Steve. The things he had done for me, there was no way not to be. Those stupid jokes we told each other when we still worked at Scoops Ahoy. With the Russians, trying to protect the kids and me. He was so supportive when I came out even though he had a crush on me. After all those things, we became really close like twin sisters and brothers. We are platonic with a capital P.

(A/N: Hope that you like the first chapter of this book. It's my first time writing something like this, so I hope that it's good enough. 

Question of this chapter: What is your favorite movie? )

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