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It ended.

It ended...

Perhaps it was meant to be. Or perhaps destiny will do another of its tricks and reunite was once one.

The boy with raven black hair still had her last words engraved in his mind, her beautiful rosy lips spitting thorns at him.

"I don't think this is working anymore, Kuroo"

The night was cold, but the words leaving her mouth were gelid, gelid enough to leave the tall innocent man frozen in his place. The mere excuses of their relationship not working anymore, Kuroo replied with "But we can fix it. Together." in which she once again returned with more fixable excuses in the eyes of the black-haired boy.

Maybe she really wanted this. Maybe she really had put thought into it... But what hurt the most was knowing she did that alone, not once pondering doing it together. I mean, they were one. Or so he thought.

2 years, 3 months, and 4 days as dearing girlfriend and loving boyfriend. He didn't know exactly how many hours, minutes, and seconds they were together but if it meant having her by his side and avoiding their breakup, he undoubtedly would know, but she wanted to be remembered by him as free and unrestrained, but he wanted to be remembered as dependent and chained by her love.

His days were spent almost as if on autopilot. The alarm clock would gone off every day at 7 am, except most of the time the roles would reverse as the boy would wait for the alarm clock to go off first so that he could fall back on reality and all his thoughts could dissipate. Theoretically.

Before, things were different. The same alarm clock would go off at the same exact hour, but instead of automatically getting up, almost without being able to move, the snooze button would be hit a dozen of times. Beside him slept a girl of unique beauty which he had the luck to call his. Her arm would encage his torso and her head would fit perfectly between the pillow and his shoulder. Both of Kuroo's muscular legs would be the perfect support for (Y/N)'s leg to rest on top of them. The slightest movement from the boy would cause a bewitching whine from her, almost imploring "Please don't get out of the bed. Stay here.", and with only that, it spell him to stay a bit longer and to have her in his arms even if it was just for a longer brief moment.

But now, that spot on the bed that had once been occupied by her was abandoned, being haunted by her ghostly presence. He had nothing left but a photograph of them on the side that had once belonged to her. Memories he made a point of keeping alive in his mind, causing tremendous damage to his heart.

Almost in a sleepwalking state, he headed straight to his bathroom taking step by step as he got plenty of time. A few months ago, he would gently kiss her girlfriend's forehead and try to escape from her tight embrace counting the minutes left before marking his presence at his workplace. Each minute he had left was worth gold, but those extra minutes spent with (Y/N) were worth diamonds.

Cold water splashed on his drowsy face, dozing with the thought of two arms wrapping around his defined waist on a typical Sunday where he would let himself get in a deep slumber so he could wake up at the same time as (Y/N) and do his typical routine but this time with her by his side.

Maybe I shouldn't have had emptied that bottle last night.

At that moment, he might be sober from the light drunkenness he got the night before, but reality sank. The love he thought that was for life ended, and it made him sober from a love that made him drunk.

In a round-shouldered slouch, he once again took his time to reach his kitchen where emotionlessly prepared the most basic of basics of breakfasts as his hygiene was finally done.

His kitchen that once resonated with joyful laughter, dishes tinkling, and kitchen utensils being used, now only remained the sound of his microwave as it warmed up his milk so he could drop his coffee on it and the almost imperceptible sounds of cars passing on the street parallel to his apartment.

He sat alone at the small table that used to feel even smaller when his girlfriend joined him with her breakfast. Sip by sip he drank his latte, today a bit bitter than the other days, probably matching how he was feeling in that cold morning.

Vague thoughts intruded his mind once more as his hands use the mug as hand warmer, of how he would tell the most unfunny dad jokes that would cause her to roll her eyes, following with a faint laugh escaping from her throat and a beautiful smile adorning her face.

He reluctantly shook those recollections from his head. Every memory left him witless and dimmer. A boy that used to radiate glee and joviality, now all that followed him was despair and dejection. But he didn't want those thoughts to fade away, they were the second only thing he still have from her. Even it was something intangible to his touch, it reached his heart, half warming it and half massacring it. He would never dare to extinguish those remembrances.

After everything was tidy and he was ready to leave his apartment, at night, the same cycle repeated itself. Nowadays Kuroo wasn't Kuroo anymore, going from a social butterfly to someone who saw in solitude, company, in the memories, comfort and in drinking, escape.

She was his, but she drippedfrom his hands as fast as he did to his bottle of whiskey in the previousnight, remaining a ghost that wasn't his anymore.

UNREQUITED LOVE | Kuroo T.Where stories live. Discover now