New Beginings (part 2)

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Bracken's lips were warm against hers, her face red like a cherry. For a few secods Kendra stayed still, holding Bracken, lips against lips. The yard around her became absent, thoughts rushing into her mind at once. All those thoughts formed into one; Bracken loved her, like loved her. There was no more awkward friend zone, they finally kissed.

Bracken pulled away, his hand still holding hers firmly.

"Honestly, I don't know." Kendra answered. Bracken pulled in again, bringing her feet off the ground he swung her in a circle, kissing her lightly in the process. A giggle escaped her lips. He set her down lightly, their fingers intertwined.

"You're the most wonderful girl I've ever met, and I intend to be by your side forever, Kendra. I want to help you, protect you and your family. I want to be there for you." Bracken said, his eyes full of happy tears.

"I love you too, Bracken." Kendra gushed, "but you really couldn't have given me at least a five minute warning? I could have thrown something on better than a shirt and jeans."

"I wouldn't care less about sweat pants and a shirt." Bracken said.

"I suppose you wouldnt." Kendra replied, "where are you off to now? Helping your mother and your father more?"

"Depends, anywhere you're going really." Bracken said.

"You mean you're here to stay? No more mothers to tend too, no more getting locked in prison?" Kendra asked.

"I'm here, Kendra." Bracken said. "What would you like to do?"

"I do feel a bit chilly." Kendra replied, "want to head inside?"

"I'd love to." Bracken said, Kendra traced her steps back to the front door. Her heart was in her throat and she could still hear her heart racing. They climbed the stairs onto the deck, she pulled the door open and made her way to the kitchen.

Grandma, Vanessa and Tanu sat at the table continuing their game of cards.

"Hi Bracken, how are you?" Grandma asked, placing down a queen of hearts into the deck.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Bracken asked, following Kendra towards the living room.

"I am quite delighted." Grandma said, eyeing Kendra in the process. Kendra blushed and ducked behind the wall to the living room.

Bracken set himself on the couch, his eyes trailed around the room, finally setting back on Kendra.

A pair of clambering steps came rushing down the attic steps, she saw Seth making his way to the kitchen, perphas to play cards with Tanu, Vanessa and Grandma. For the past day he was stuck to resting on Tanu's orders, because the Source's water was able to fight away the darkness from the wound, it wasn't able to completly heal it. The wound wasn't deep, so he was almost up to ship-shape within the first 24 hours. Seth told them to not use the Source's water because of the limited supply.

"So, since the war is over, what do you intend to do?" Bracken asked, making himself comfortable.

"I was thinking about, catching up with Seth a bit more and then well...try and just wind down and focus on well..." Kendra said, completely stumped.

What would she do now? If there was no immediate danger, or great peril right around the corner. Kendra glanced to the numerous sleeping bags litering the living room.

"Lots of company?" Bracken asked.

"Me and Seth were lucky to get real beds, let alone a bedroom." Kendra said, resting herself on the couch next to Bracken. They went silent for a few seconds.

"So we're... a thing?" Kendra asked, Bracken wrapped a arm around her.

"I fancy the thought." Bracken replied.

"I really wouldn't mind." Kendra said, her mind racing with possibilities of dating Bracken. He was beautiful, blue pure eyes, white hair and was one of the most loyal people she ever met. He really was more than she could ever ask for.

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