Calming Down

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Seth made his way into the kitchen, taking a glass from the cupboard he filled it just below the brim. Taking a quick swig he took himself to check out the game of cards Vanessa, Grandma and Tanu were playing.

Grandma was winning, by a lot. They had a small notebook of to the side seperated into three sections. Grandma had fourteen whole points while Vanessa was at a slacking seven and Tanu as ten.

"How are you Seth?" Grandma asked, placing down a four of hearts into the deck.

"I'm okay," Seth replied, for the first time in a while that wasn't a lie.

"Good to see Kendras finally found herself a partner." Tanu said, his eyes drifiting to and from his cards.

"I'm happy for her, I had a strong feeling Bracken would get to her." Seth said, "much better than Gavin."

Tanu realeased a chuckle, "anyone is better than Gavin."

Seth nodded.

"Where's Grandpa and everyone else?" Seth asked, pulling a seat next to Grandma.

"Stan is in his study." Grandma replied. "Knox and Tess are out in the garden, why don't you go see them?"

"Not right now." Seth replied.

"What's your secret to this game?" Vanessa asked, her milky white eyes staring into nothingness.

"I had a lot of time to play cards with Stan at Wyrmroost when the rest of you were out risking your lives. I feel awful, I reckon I could have protected you much more then I did." Grandma stammered.

"We made it, didn't we?" Tanu asked.

"Most of us." Seth added.

"I'm sorry Seth." Vanessa said, reaching to pat him on the shoulder but missing by about a meter. Seth took her hand and held it for a second.

"It's fine," Seth said.

"I'm mostly mad about not being able to see my Grandson take down a dragonking and fiftee other with him!" Grandma stated energetically trying to lighten the mood, as she won yet another round. She added another tally to the score page.

Seth smiled, looking down at his own hands. Not knowing how to respond.

"It's nice to have you home, in one piece Seth." Grandma said, staring at him with awe. "With an addition."

She was talking about his wings, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the gleaming white feathers.

"Now, let's finish this game, shall we?" Grandma said, leaning in for a battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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