Chapter 3

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Moana has crashed on an in known island. Moana gets up being covered in sand. She sees that she still has the heart.

Moana: Whew!

She dusted herself off and then marched all the way to the ocean.

Moana: Um... what? I said help me! And wrecking my boat? Not helping!

She kicked but the ocean moved away making her fall.

Moana: Fish pee in you all day! So...

She heard Heihei clucking. She sees him hitting his head against the rock with the coconut on his head. And the next thing she sees is that the ocean had done some sort of marking on a rock which shows a hook.

Moana: Y/n?

The ocean then nodded at her. Y/n having just eaten some fish came out looking for something, portably some more fish to eat.

Moana: Y/n!

She took Heihei and go into hiding.

Moana: Y/n, demigod of the wind and sea... I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat. No. You will board my boat. Yeah. I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my...

She looked out to see that Y/n was gone.

Y/n: Boat! A boat! The gods heard my calls. They have now answered! They have given me a...

As he lifted the boat, he sees Moana. Now frightened. He dropped the boat on her. He lifted the boat only to see Heihei with his head sticking out of the sand. He heard Moana clear her throat behind him. He turned as she ducked to avoid the boat.

Moana: Y/n, shapeshifter... demigod of the wind and sea... I am Moana of...

Y/n: Hero of men.

Moana: What?

Y/n: Listen, coconut flake droppings, you need to get your facts straight here. Get it right. Y/n, shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea... the hero of men. At least that is the name that I would rather go by but whatever. You can just call me Demigod because it's so much easier. And also... it's so much easier to remember. Sorry for the interruption by the way. From the top. Hero of men. Go.

Moana: I am...

Y/n: Sorry, one more thing. And women. Yeah, also women. Men and women. I'm all of both, babe. That is it really matters. Whatever. You're doing great. (clicks tongue)

Moana: What? No! I'm here to...

Y/n: Oh, a fan I see. A crazy fan girl wants to meet her hero. And wants me to sign for her. Not my thing but Y/n always has time for his fans.

He picked Heihei from the side and used him to sign her oar.

Y/n: When you use a bird to write with... it's called tweeting.

He handed her back her oar signed.

Y/n: Consider it luck, bud, it's not every day you get a chance to meet your hero.

She then hits him in the stomach with her oar and she then pulled him by the ear.

Moana: You are not my hero. And I'm not here so you can sign my oar! I'm here 'cause-

Y/n: Wait, wait, don't tell me. You here because you're feeling lonely and you're looking for a man to keep you company. It's what you want. Well good news, I'm lonely too and I'm all down for it. Now let's do this. Let's get your deeds done.

 Let's get your deeds done

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