Chapter 4

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It appears they have just arrived at their destination. An island.

Moana: We're here? See, told you I could do it!

She ran and saw that she was right at her home island.

Moana: Motunui? I'm home?

The tree that she was standing right next to then disintegrated.

Tui: Moana!

Moana: Dad?

Sina: Moana!

Moana: Mom?

She then saw her two parents being covered by black smoke.

Tui: Help!

Moana: No!

Tui: Moana!

She watched as both of her parents were covered by black smoke and she could do nothing but stand by and watch but luckily it was all just a bad dream she had.

Y/n: How was that sweet beauty rest? I imagine it must have been great. And just so you know if you wanna be a Wayfinder you must never sleep. It's how they get where they need to go.

There was a huge mountain that they were heading to.

Y/n: Get ready, because this is where things get wild.

Moana: Are you sure this guy's gonna have your hook?

Y/n: Tamatoa? Oh, he'll have it. He's a scavenger. He collects stuff and he thinks it makes him look all cool and stuff. Wait till I wipe that smug look off his face when I get my hook back. And my hook is the coolest collectible to him.

Moana: He lives up there?

She was of course referring to the top of the mountain.

Y/n: You've got it all wrong. Ya see, that is just the entrance. It's to Lalotai.

Moana: Lalotai? Realm of monsters? We're going to the realm of monsters?

Y/n: No. not we. Me. You are gonna stay here with the other chicken. Unless if you're not a chicken, you have to get tough. See what I did there?

He then began to climb all the way up. Y/n then looked back down to see that Moana isn't anywhere to be seen and then it turns out that she was climbing as well.

Y/n: So, daughter of the chief... I thought you stayed in the village. You know doing what you're really good at. Cooking, kissing babies goodnight, and things.

She then glared at him.

Y/n: Hey, I'm just trying to understand... why is it that you're people to decided to send... you.

Moana: My people didn't send me. The Ocean did.

Y/n: The ocean? I guess your love ocean is what convinces you to come, huh?

Moana: No, the ocean specifically chose me.

Y/n: Why would it choose you? You can't even sail? Just why would it?

Moana: I don't know. It chose me for a reason.

Y/n: Now if you don't mind me asking why didn't it just take the heart right back to Te Fiti itself? And just give me back my hook? The ocean's straight up kooky-dooks. But I'm sure it's not wrong about you. You're the chosen one!

Moana was finally able to make it right to the top and he stared clear ahead.

Moana: The ocean chose me for a reason.

Y/n: If you start singing, I'm gonna toss you right off the cliff and better hope the ocean saves you in time.

Moana: So, not seeing an entrance.

Moana and Maui: Male reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now