OC Introduction (2)

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Name: Elizabeth Lilliana Blake

Age: 13

relationships: Family -> father= Terrance Shaw mother= ??? Blake Brother= Finney Blake Sister= Gwendolyn Blake

Friends -> - Robin Arellano - Avery Hopper - Illana Arellano - Billy Showalter

Overall Description: -heterochrome eyes (one brown, one blue) - straight, brown, hip-length hair

- soft freckles, all over her body - pale skin

personality: - short-tempered - loving - loud-mouthed - extrovert

Likes: - her siblings - fighting her brother's bullies - hanging out with Billy - watching horror movies with the Arellano siblings - watching the stars with her twin Finney - the colour grey

dislikes: - her father's drinking habit - that people bring up her eyes in a mean way - her brother's bullies - that both of her siblings are hurt in different ways, nearly every day - Vance's obsession with pinball

clothes: - skin-tight, grey, V-line tank top - a bleached denim jacket - skin-tight, mid-thigh length, denim skirt (bleached) - knee-high, white with grey stripe (near top) socks - black, high-top, canvas

backstory: -after her mother committed suicide, she took on the motherly role for Gwen, and Finney when she could - she tried to take as many of the beatings her father dished out, so that she didn't have to see her siblings hurt - she almost ended her own life because she felt like she couldn't do it anymore - the reason she finds a small amount of joy in fighting Finney's bullies is because she can let out her anger on someone doing something wrong, rather than shouting and cussing out her siblings - Billy is a constant reminder in her life that not only her siblings love her

date of birth: 25th November 1965

favourite item she owns: a book that Billy gave her for her 11th birthday

favourite subject: Chemistry - she likes to make any sort of chemical reactions, they fascinate her

least favourite subject: French - can't remember half of the language and she's been learning it for the last three years

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