Chapter One

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     Sixteen year old Me sat by the roadside surrounded by men, women and children.


We had taken the streets to be our home, we were like family to one another.

Another day of hunger, I thought.
Even though I was hungry, I was happy. I managed to attend the town's public school but couldn't get any accommodation. So, I stayed with these people on the streets. The ones who raised me when I had no family, when my mother abandoned me as a baby.

The pang of hunger hit me again.
Just hang on girl, there's only food enough for dinner, I said in my head.
I tried to sit upright when the voice of a girl caught my attention.

Turning to the source of the voice, I saw a girl about my age with a cup of ice cream in her hand talking to a woman -her mother.

The resemblance was so obvious. The girl looked inside the car that was beside them, talking to whoever was in there. I looked away but turned back when I realized whose car that was. Mr Charles' car. I could recognise it anywhere, plus I knew his plate number.

Mr Charles was a very good man. Very good. A generous, kind hearted man that always brought provisions for us on the streets. He was so kind, and I was close to him. The father I never had.

Just as I was looking at the car, he stepped out of it. He was coming in my direction.

“Good afternoon sir” I greeted.

“Good afternoon my dear, how are you?”

“I'm very fine” I replied, smiling.

After bringing the usual provisions for everyone and everyone had shown their gratitude. He said he wanted to talk to me about something important.

“Annabel, you're fully aware that you are like a daughter to me and I have your best interests at heart, right? ”

“Yes” I replied.

“Well, I want to take you home to live with my family”

I couldn't hide the shock on my face.
“Yes, I've thought about it and I want to give you a better life. My family is here and we are all ready to accept you. So, what do you think? Do you want to become part of my family?”

I was overwhelmed. I had wanted a family my entire life and here it was. Nodding and accepting, I broke into tears. Not tears of pain, of sorrow, of hunger. But tears of joy, real joy.
Mr Charles took me to his car to meet his family. Turns out the ice cream girl was his daughter, as soon as she saw me approaching, she ran to me and hugged me. My face was expressionless.

“My dad has said so many things about you. I'm so happy to finally meet you” she said, almost screaming.

All I could do was grin. I wasn't used to getting such treatment. Taking my hand in hers, she led me to where her mother stood beside the car.

“Good afternoon ma'am” I said, trying to read her face. As her husband got to where we were, she gave me a half smile.

“Nice to meet you dear” Mrs Charles said to me.
Everything was happening too fast, just too fast.

I went to my friends and self made family. Wishing them all good bye. I had lived with them for so long, I was sad leaving them behind. I hugged my closest friend, Lisa.
“I'll visit as often as I can” I promised.

I was seated in the car beside Rose, Mr Charles' daughter. She was so happy. Even happier than I was.
“I can't wait for us to get home, I'll show you around. We're going to become best friends, I know it” Her eyes shone as she spoke to me.

“Here, have this” She gave me a cup of ice cream. “I got this one for you”
I looked at the vanilla flavoured ice cream.

“Thanks” I said as I took it from her hands.

I was feeling so happy. Extremely happy. The drive was for about forty five minutes. As soon as I set my eyes on their house, my new home, I knew that my life had changed. They lived in what seemed to be a mansion. We drove into the premises and Mr Charles parked the car, all of us stepping out of the car. I looked at the beautiful house. Breathtaking and intimidating.
Isn't this house too big for a family of three, I thought.

We got into the house, Rose never leaving my side.
“Welcome to our home Annabel, welcome to your new home” Mr Charles said as he caught up with us.

“Rose darling, please take Annabel to her room”

Grabbing my wrist, Rose led me up the stairs.
“You're going to love it here. After you settle in, I'm going to show you around. We have a beautiful garden, oh and a music room. I suppose I could ask Lucas to teach you to play a few musical instruments”

“Who's Lucas?” I asked

“My big brother, please don't mind him. He's not exactly excited about your arrival, I guess that's why we haven't seen him yet. Don't worry, once he gets to know you, I'm sure we'll all live happily together”

We stopped at a door.
“So, this is your room, Mine is down the hall” she said, pointing at a door. “If you need anything just let me know” She gave me a hug.

“Thanks” I said. My smile almost reaching my eyes. With that she left.

I opened the door slowly, almost scared to see my room. My room.  It was beautiful and big. Everything was arranged and ready, I even had clothes in the wardrobe and drawers. He had known. Mr Charles had known that I would agree, so he prepared everything.

God bless him, I prayed in my heart.

After having a bath, I changed into a blue dress. I sat in front of the dressing table and looked at the mirror. I let down my natural hair, admiring it. My hair did not have the normal African thickness and woolly nature. It was a bit softer and a lot longer than most people's. It always made me wonder about my birth parents, what they looked like, who they were.

But now, things have changed. There's no reason to think or wonder about them anymore.

I combed my hair and did it into a bun. As I stood up, I heard some noise coming from outside. No, it was from the room beside mine. Then I heard it again.

I rushed outside my room and opened the door to the neighbouring room. I was greeted by an angry face.

“What is it? What do you want?” The angry boy who I figured was Lucas shouted.

“I'm sorry, I heard some noise and I came to check what was happening” I said, my eyes fixed on the broken guitar on the floor.

“Well, that's none of your business!” He shouted, and with that, shut the door in my face.
I stood there in confusion.

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