Wined, dined and sixty nined

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L A Y L A ' S   P O V

I smile in thanks when JJ passes me the last sheet of paperwork I need to do today. I'm not normally smiling at the thought of paper work, but this sheet is the last thing standing between me and the weekend.

Emily looks up from her desk and swivels in her chair to face us. "What's everyone's plans for tonight?"

I listen as JJ explains the jam packed Friday night she has planned with Henry and then Derek spills out a complete lie about how he's planning to renovate another room in his house.

I know he's lying because he scheduled our first official date for tonight, and I am scheduling him to do me the rest of the weekend so there won't be much time for anything else.

Then JJ, Emily and Derek's attention turns to me when I've yet to answer. "Oh," I shrug nonchalantly. "I'm not doing much."

"Your hair is freshly blown out," JJ says suspiciously, levelling me with a pointed stare. "You one hundred percent have plans."

Profilers. Okay, so maybe I can tell the truth without telling the truth. "I may or may not be getting wined, dined and sixty nined tonight."

Across the desk Derek whistles, leaning back in his chair. He tucks his hands behind his head, pumping his eyebrows. "Lucky man."

"Yeah, now we're talking," Emily grins, leaning over her desk to get closer. "Who are you going out with?"

I tap my finger against my nose twice. "That's a secret I'll never tell."

Emily snorts. "Okay Gossip Girl."

"Come on Layla," JJ grins, tapping her fingers against her desk. "Cure our curiosity."

"I'll think about it if it goes well," I lie, signing my signature at the bottom of the last document before I slide my stack of paperwork into my desk drawer.

"We want all the details next week," JJ says, grinning. Her brows crease, like she only realised what she said. "About the date. Not the sex."

"Speak for yourself," Emily cuts in, a teasing tone in her voice. "I want to hear everything."

I laugh, picking up my bag. "I'll see you all on Monday."

They call out their goodbyes while I walk out of the office and before I reach the doors, I look back at Derek to find him already watching me. His eyes are on me, his lips quirked up into a subtle smirk even through he's still talking to Emily and JJ.

Every time he looks at me, it gives me butterflies in my stomach and butterflies somewhere else too. Does it get better than that?


I've been sifting through my overfilling closet for the last ten minutes, looking for one dress in particular.

I sigh in relief when I finally find the black calf length ruched dress hanging behind all of the sweatshirts I've stole from Derek.

My vision for my outfit tonight is this black dress, black strappy heels and a red lip. My vision also accounted for the fact that everything will still look good when Derek does that cute thing later and gives me his jacket because it's cold out. Priorities.

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