Prologue // The Runes Awaken

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There exists a tale, a tale that defines this world. The tale that tells the history of the world and explains why the powers that surround us exist. Yet it is believed to be wrong by many as it had been written by the government, it seems to almost be missing details, as if they had left it out on purpose. My Father worked for the same government, the government under the rule of President Cassian Santori, the youngest president the country has seen and yet his rule has affected us all. Something about him just didn't seem right, how someone so young took to power so quickly. His neglectful actions soon summed up what I had thought, he was as corrupt as any other world leader and people only denied it because of his attractiveness and his leadership in the public eye. My Father told me the story the government published over the course of my childhood, revealing more to me as I got older. I would find something new out every year from when I was about 8 until I turned 14, 2 years ago. Now that I am older I am going to discover my potential and write a conclusion to a different tale. The tale of how a corrupt government can rise and my input will be how it fell.

(Shichirou Yuudai) 'The Runes Awaken!'

I remember my father reciting the whole tale to me on my 14th Birthday. He was always a great story-teller and he was also one of few people I knew I could trust. The Story began like this....

My father spoke softly when he told me the tale, he was always good at it and he'd apparently learnt from the best storyteller in the world.

Shichirou turned to Takeo on the day he turned 14 and began to tell the tale from the very beginning:

"Long ago, in the year 1692, the government helped to keep the people safe. The government acted like the modern police as the current system had not yet been established. The select group of people within this political system were some of the most diverse people that existed at the time.

They all had extraordinary talents which led them to be described as perfect beings. Whether that ability may have been, being overwhelmingly strong or incredibly smart, each person was unique and they stood out from the average villager. The government had representatives spread across the country to make sure it was completely safe and no harm could be done to it. Yet what came next, no one could have predicted....

4 supernatural beings were discovered amongst citizens in the country. These people were thought to be witches due to their inhuman powers. They could use abilities a normal human shouldn't have been able to. Each was given a name that represented the aspect of existence they had reign over.

The most prominent witch was known as Chaos, he was dangerous and perhaps the most powerful. He could control aspects of existence that were only thought to be controllable by god, aspects that would cause chaos. He could start fires at the snap of his fingers or make it storm heavily with no warning.

The other witches were codenamed Sylvatica- controller of plants, Fortune- a mind-reader and telekinetic and Dia- the one they said was second most dangerous, as her powers allowed her to rewrite an aspect of the world she did not like and reimagine it in her own perfect image. This was simply deemed the power of practicality.

After days of torment from the four almost higher beings, they crossed paths over a hill, north of Tokyo. Once they had all realised they were all in the same situation they began to team up and take on larger villages and cities.

Meanwhile, the government had set into motion plans to deal with the superpowered tormentors who dominated the country.

The government called a cabinet meeting in the heart of Sendai. Hundreds upon hundreds of members of the government arrived at this meeting as the idea of a small cabinet had not yet been perfected. The plan was to revolt against them. Eighty percent of the members were in favour of this revolution in fact.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now