A place of their own

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When Greta got near the train station, Carson was already outside there, sitting on the top of the stairs, surrounded by their suitcases and her baseball bag, reading the book Greta had given her weeks ago.

"Hey, you brought the book, it belonged to our Rockford home", she widened her eyes in shock, "I never took you for a thief".

Carson closed the book and stood up.

"I left all my books there, so I think it was a fair change".

"How come you still got all our stuff here?" Greta asked. "I thought you were getting us a motel room!".

"You won't believe what happened", Carson grinned.


"I was walking down the street, looking for a motel, or a cup of coffee, whatever appeared first, and a few blocks down there was this bakery, so I went inside and I bought a slice of pie and, well, it wasn't that good, so I told them mine was better", she giggled at her own audacity.

"You did not!", Greta cackled, "did they kick you out?".

"Actually the baker came out. An old man. And dared me to make a better one".


"So I tied my hair and washed my hands and made the most amazing pie I've ever made. And the baker's granddaughter tried it and loved it and then he offered me a job".


"I'll be on pie duty, I'll know more on Wednesday".

"You have a job, Carson!". 

"I do, yeah! But…", Carson smiled awkwardly, "I lost track of time there, when I checked the watch it was almost six so I came here, and now we have no motel room to sleep in".

"That's actually great!", Greta smiled, "I checked out one apartment for us to rent, and it is… it is perfect, Carson, you're gonna love it. The landlord, well, they're two women, Maggie and Drella, and they invited us over for dinner".


"Yes! And we could sleep in our own apartment tonight".

Carson got the chills listening to Greta calling it their apartment. She smiled shyly and let Greta help her pick up the suitcases.

"Our apartment, huh?", Carson grinned.

"Yes, I mean, if you like the place, then yes".

Greta motioned them forward, pointing Carson to walk ahead.

Carson only smiled and started walking. She couldn't stop smiling as she walked to what was going to be her new home.

Greta stayed behind for just a second, watching Carson carry her suitcase and baseball bag, her girly dress moving with her hips, her hair waving softly in the cold breeze.

Then she hurried up to get closer to Carson.

"I really like to watch you", she whispered.

Carson bit her lower lip but didn't say anything.

They continued moving ahead, crossing a few streets packed with pharmacies, coffee shops, little stores, and beauty salons, until they reached a street full of apartment blocks.

"We go right from here", Greta pointed, “two blocks up”.

They kept walking, avoiding people and cars while they crossed the street, and finally, there they were, in front of their new little home.

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