Big Trouble!

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Alex walked around the town for a while. The entire town seemed to be about the same size as Central Park compared to what she was used to. When nothing was becoming familiar, she finally worked up the courage to ask someone for help. It turned out Alex had not been that far away to begin with and had gone in the complete opposite direction when she took off running from the bus stop. She never could think clearly whenever Alex felt anxious. 

Once she finally saw her uncle's diner, Alex switched into a run again and dashed the rest of the way, only to find the door locked and no one inside. She peered through the glass door, cupping her hands around her eyes. The lights were off, but the chairs were all down and not placed upside down on the tables like they were whenever her uncle closed.

"That's weird," she told herself, out loud after removing her face away from the glass. Her uncle usually worked around this time whenever she called him. It was rare the guy took a day off and when he did, it was usually to take Alex fishing.

Alex grabbed a few small rocks from the dirt around a skinny tree nearby and threw them up at the apartment windows above the diner. When she bent over to grab some more, she noticed that same old man that drove her uncle crazy, watching her from down the street. He had a curious but disapproving look on his face. Not liking being watched, Alex moved around the building to throw rocks at another window where the old man couldn't see her until she saw a window open.

To her delight, it was Jess who stuck his head out to see who the culprit was. Her big smile quickly disappeared as fast as it had appeared when she saw the angry look on his face once he saw who it was.

Jess shot back inside, barely remembering to shut the window. He must have flown down the stairs because he was at the door in a matter of seconds, unlocking it. Jess yanked the door open and ordered Alex inside.

Alex knew by her brother's tone of voice, she was indeed in big trouble.

As soon as she was inside, Jess locked the door again before turning on her. "Alex Amelia, I oughta kick your ass all the way back to New York," he said, completely in dad mode already as he stepped towards her, causing her to back away. Not that her brother would ever actually do anything to her, except maybe a playful jab or headlock. "What the hell were you thinking, running away by yourself?"

Alex stared up at her big brother like a scolded animal. She tried to explain, but her stuttering kicked in and couldn't find the right words.

"I'm upstairs reading, playing Twenty Questions with Luke, when the phone rings with Liz on the other line, freaking out to him about you cutting school and nowhere to be found. What the hell, Alex?!"

"I-I... I didn't think..." Alex gasped for air as her heart raced.

"You didn't think, what?" he continued to ask with his tone raised, making it harder for Alex to speak.

"I..." She tried her best to meet her brother's gaze, but Alex hated seeing him mad and looked away at the floor. After a moment, she heard him sigh before nudging her by her head to move this upstairs, away from "onlookers" Jess had apparently noticed through the windows.

Jess let Alex go first up the stairs, following a few steps behind.

Alex used the time to take a few breaths in and letting them out through her nose like a school counselor she was sent to see by her third-grade teacher taught her to do. "I'm sorry, Jess." she said pitifully, looking back behind her.

Jess glared back, still upset. "I'm sure you are, kid," he said, at least somewhat empathetic. "But that doesn't erase the fact you put yourself in harm's way. Somebody could have kidnapped you. Or worse."

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