Uncle Luke to the Rescue!

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Alex followed her brother inside their uncle's apartment over to his phone that had belonged to their grandfather when it was his office. Their uncle never upgraded unless he absolutely had to. If it still worked, then there was no point, especially if someone takes good care of their stuff. Alex liked how simple their uncle seemed to be.

Outside of work, their uncle's only hobbies were watching baseball and going fishing, which he had come up to New York a couple of times to take her to Yankee stadium for a game over the last four years. She wasn't into baseball like he was, but it was still exciting to sit up in the stands, eating a hotdog and potentially catching a ball that might get hit up there. Plus, she could see how excited he gets whenever Uncle Luke shared all he knew about baseball, and also fishing he never got with anything else. That's honestly one of the reasons Alex loved spending time with her uncle.

Jess dialed their home phone number. He briefly put the receiver to his ear to make sure it was ringing before passing it to Alex.

She took the phone receiver, politely thanking him and put it to her ear. It rang several times before their answering machine kicked in, playing the message Liz had the three of them record when they got it.

This is Liz...

And Alex!


There was a brief pause before Liz insisted Jess say his name, who reluctantly complied, less excited than the girls.

Liz finished with, "Neither of us are home right now, but please leave your number after the beep and we'll get back to ya later." Both Liz and Alex said, "Later!"

There was a beep, letting Alex know she could speak.

"Hi, Mom. It's me. I'm okay. I'm at Uncle Luke's place. I'm sorry I ran away and made you freak out." Alex wasn't sure what to say next. "I... I just really wanted Jess. Please don't be mad." She paused some more before she said, "I love you," and hung up the phone.

Jess was skimming through a book their uncle had on the desk he was leaning against. He set it back down behind him as he asked, "No answer?"

Alex shook her head slowly.

"Must be out, calling the National Guard on ya," he said as a joke.

She frowned. "I didn't think Mom would care that much."

Jess only shrugged. "I don't know, kid."

Her stomach growled at that point. "Can we watch TV?" Tired from the trip, Alex wanted to relax with something to eat while watching Hey, Arnold. The baggie of cereal was the only thing she had eaten all day, so the kid was starving.

"Can't, the cable's out according to Luke," Jess replied, standing up from the desk. "Besides, even if it wasn't, you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you're not off the hook from running away, that's why." The firm tone in his voice was back.

Alex frowned. This wouldn't be the first time her brother had stepped up to set a punishment when their mom wasn't around. She forced herself to ask, "for how long?"

"A month."

"A whole month? That's too long, Jess."

"No, it's not. I need you to understand how serious this stunt you pulled was."

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