Part one.

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Here we go!
Key notes:
A/N:Authors Note
Y/N: your name
Anything underlined like this, means your thinking to yourself.


You were sitting in your room, enjoying time to yourself, drawing, humming to music, and sometimes trying to light stuff on fire. 

It was the first week after being given the title of elder, and there were some new recruits that papa wanted your help assessing and helping them work with their assigned instruments. Of course that was tomorrow, so as you checked the clock you sighed '12:48 A:M'.. guess I better get a good night of rest if I want to make it on time for the new recruits assessment.. you clicked a bunch of buttons on your alarm clock making sure to set your alarm for the right time so you wont miss the assessment.

Then you got up from your chair hopping into bed, your mind slowly drifting you into sleep.


You woke up to your alarm blaring in your ears, ouch.. You got up from your bed, going to your drawers to change your clothes, after that you brush your hair, put your mask on, and headed out the door to get some breakfast because this, is going to be a long day.

You make sure to keep your head down to keep from scaring any sisters of sin as you pass by. As you open the doors to the dining room you quickly speed walk to grab a plate and some food, ignoring the loud stomps your feet are making, after your done putting stuff on your plate you walk out the doors, going to sit down in the garden on a bench.

Your tail swirling around behind you as you sit down on a bench. You take a deep breath and start eating, checking the time every now and then.

By the time you were done eating you still have around 45 minutes till you have to get there to set up the instruments for the newbies. You sigh.. geez time really is going by slow.. Maybe i can go for a quick run in the forest? Im sure so one will mind.

You quickly run to the dining room and put the plate back where the used plates go, then you run outside, feeling the fresh air once more. You quickly pick a 10 minute path (you know this because you go to this path to sit and read/draw a lot.) you look at the trees.. maybe i can climb those? Test myself? Seems fun enough.. you giggle to yourself like a young child and walk over to a tree that looks as if it can hold your weight, then you start climbing its branches.

This is surprisingly easy! You make your way up to the highest branch you can manage without it breaking.

You take another deep breath, listening to the wilderness, the wind, the birds, the branches swaying with the wind, your heartbeat, your breathing. Its times like these your glad to be alone with only yourself, at peace with the world.

After a while your snapped out of your thoughts, checking your watch '12:45 P:M', 15 minutes before the assessments start!
Shit! I have to go!! You quickly climb down the tree, running out of the woods, slowing your pace once you get back inside the church, making your way over to the room you were told to go to.

You stop at the entrance, checking your watch once more, 10 minutes before its starts, you look through the window into the room, the lights are still out. Phew.. hopefully i can get everything ready in time. You open the door, turning the light on as you walk over to the drums, checking things off the list as you pass stuff, checking everything to make sure its working.

You check the time once more '12:58' just then you hear the door open. Its copia! You smile at him after he enters. "Cardinal copia, I was just finishing up checking on all the instruments to make sure they work." You say, he looks at you then slightly smiles "ah, good! Also, you seem to be in a social mood today, no?". You chuckle and reply with a slight nod, ..damn i guess the forest really does help to brighten my mood. You take a bass guitar and sit down on one of the many chairs in the room, then you slowly start playing some random notes. Just then you hear footsteps outside the door, then the door knob clicks..


A/N hi! Just a quick little note to help with possible confusion, you play multiple instruments, mostly bass guitar and electric guitar. Second, your a fire ghoul/ghoulette.

Word count: 798.

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