The kiss

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A/N thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!!!!!! This is my first ever (actual) book, and I'm so happy people are actually reading it!!

This is sorta a 1k special (but also just a regular post)

If any of you have an xbox and have rdro lmk and we can play sometime 👀 anyways enjoy!!


You sit up in your bed, finding yourself still in your uniform (ouch), but someone tucked you in.

As the memory of last night floods back to your mind you start to feel bad, remember you fell asleep talking to Dew. You hope he isn't mad at you.

You check your clock, seeing you have practice in 2 hours, which leaves you enough time to take Atticus on a walk in the woods.

"Atticus, c'mon buddy, lets go for a walk into the woods, okay?" You say, kneeling down to pick up Atticus.

He just meows at you, purring as you pick him up, you walk out you door, walking over to Dews door.

You kick it a few times, because your hands are busy petting and holding Atticus. You gain a few weird looks from the sisters of sin passing by, you just roll your eyes.

"Dew! Are you in your room??" You yell into the door. You hear you doorknob click a few seconds later.

Dew leans on the door, acting as if he's supposed to look hot to you.

You look him up and down, then just go on with what you were saying.

"..uhm.. anyways, i just wanted to ask if you wanted to go for a walk in the woods with me and Atticus.." he cuts you off,

"-sure! Just give me like 2 minutes." With that he closes the door in your face, you can hear him running around his room, you just laugh slightly.

After he opens the door you two start chatting and walking over to the doors to the woods..


On the way through the woods you meet up with Swiss and Aether, you and Aether are talking like true grown ups, while Swiss and Dew are talking about gross shit like girls and 'boobs'.

Aether is now holding Atticus, Atticus seems to love him, sometimes glaring behind Aether to Dew, Dew seems somewhat offended every time. You just laugh at them.

You ask Aether for Atticus back, as you were about to climb a tree with him. Aether is surprised you can do that. Swiss and Dew are making bets on if you actually can or not.

You walk over to the tree, testing its limbs again, you wrap your tail around you three as you start to climb it. Once you make it to the top, Atticus is sitting beside you.

You hear one of the ghouls, probably Dew yelling about how 'thats not fair!' And 'how was I supposed to know she could do that'

After about 5 minutes their bickering ends, and you start to hear someone climbing up beside you. Dew is trying to climb up the tree too..

"Dew, your going to fucking fall dude." You inform him that the branches he's trying to climb wont support his weight.

"Nonsense! Your just scared ill hurt my beautiful face that you cant get enough of!" He says, trying to climb the branch next to you.

You just sigh, rolling your eyes. Out of pity you give him your hand, pulling him up to a branch that can support his weight.

"See, i knew you wouldn't let me fall to my death!" He smiles to you, then slowly looks down to Atticus, who looks like he'd push him off the branch if he was a ghoul.

"I would have let you fall, but I don't feel like having to get yelled at for your broken arm." You pat Atticus's head, trying to keep him from clawing Dews eyes out.

"Why does your cat hate me so much.." Dew says, glaring down to your friendly feline companion.

"He just has.. very specific taste in who he likes. Either that or your competition to him. Who knows.." You say, grabbing Atticus, putting him on your lap and petting him.

Just then you hear Aether yelling for you guys to come down from the tree, because practice is going to start soon.

You sigh, signaling for Atticus to follow you. He does just that. Dewdrop, very slowly climbs down.

"Jeez grandpa, took you long enough." You say to Dew, giving him a pat on the back, then walking into the church with Aether and Swiss. Dew shouts a few curses at you then runs to catch up..


After band practice Dew invites himself to your room.. again.

"Dew, is this just going to be a thing were you start following me to my room everyday?" You turn around right before your door. Dew thinks REALLY hard about this one.

"..yea." Is all he says, bursting past you and opening your door, running in, running straight to your desk. He grabs a sticker from who knows where, and sticks it to the front of your bass guitar that you use for tour.

"Dew.. what the fuck does that sticker even say man.." you glare at him, he just hands your bass guitar back, with a smile on his face.

You look for the sticker on the collection of other stickers on it, its not hard to miss, as its a pretty big sticker.

You see a custom made sticker that says 'Dewdrops favorite.' Aww.. thats kinda cute.. ill have to make him a matching one!

"Aww.. thanks Dew. Thats kind of you!" You say, pulling him in for a hug. He hugs you back.

"I know right! Im like the best ghoul in the world!" He says, smiling like a kid.

You just giggle at him, sitting down at your desk, he sits on your bed, Atticus walks over to him, plopping down in his lap, he hisses whenever Dew tries to pet him. You laugh at Atticus's bipolar attitude towards Dew.

You started drawing little stickers, mostly to match the one Dew made for you, but some are just sketches of you and Dew.

You smile, taking out two of the stickers you made, one has you and Dew on it, the other one has 'y/ns favorite' on it. You turn to give it to Dew.

Dew turns to you, looking down at the stickers. He gasps, and takes them.

"Omg, y/n! These are so cute!" He says with joy in his voice. You smile at him.

He brings you into a hug, you both sit in the hug for a few minutes, feeling very comfortable in each other's presence.

After a couple minutes, you two break out of the hug, staring into each others eyes.

Dew leans in to kiss you, you do too..


A/N.. guys.. i had to. 😈 your very welcome. Anyways. I made an official tik tok account following announcements and updates on the book! The account is war.c0s!

I hope you guys enjoyed this part, also sorry for the late publish of it, kinda was playing my xbox! Have a good day / night!! ❤️❤️

Word count: 1200 words.

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