Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Peeling my eyes open to the ear-splitting alarm reinforced why I wasn't a partier. My body was exhausted, each and every throb in my forehead pushed me further and further into a living hell. I'll never understand how Johnny does it.

I popped two Advil's after my shower to get me through the day. Dressing into a pair of high waisted leggings, a sports bra and a zip up hoodie, I then did my hair and went down for some highly needed coffee.

My eyes were drooping closed, but I got the espresso machine running. My sole saviour in times like these.

Tristan's sudden voice nearly scared the hangover right out of me, "You're not going to the gym."

"Why is that?" I bit back.

"Ask Johnny."

Nobody was preventing me from going to the gym. Period. Not this hangover, not my dumb brother, and not the menacing god standing before me.

"Yeah, right," I drawled, "I'm not in a state to deal with this right now. Just drop it."

"I'm afraid it won't be dropped anytime soon. You can come with me to my gym today."

It wasn't a kind offer; it was a statement; a fact. Like he knew I wouldn't win the argument no matter what I did. He wasn't even allowing any further conversation to be had. That enraged me.

"Your gym?" I shot back.

"Yes, my gym. At the penthouse. Come on, I have shit to do."

"Let me get this straight, you own penthouse that, from what it sounds like, you frequently go to while you stay here? Why don't you just stay there?"

"Be careful, sweetheart, your tone is coming off a little disrespectful." Oh god, there was that menacing, warning-like tone paired with his dark gaze. The one that sent off every nerve and made my thighs clench as though my life depended on it. Even hungover, my body managed to pull enough energy to betray me once again.

I tried to ignore it and stood my ground, "Answer me."

"I stay here because your brother is very persistent. I also prefer to watch over him around this time of year. You know how stupid he can be when he drinks."

While it made sense, I couldn't help but feel shocked. This was the first time I'd ever seen Tristan care about, well, anything or anyone. I wasn't even sure if he cared about his job. Of course, he was always working, but I'd never seen any passion for it.

"Well, for future reference, I don't see Johnny drinking that often anymore. I guess he's finally matured, so you don't have to stay here every time you visit."

Rude, but necessary. I was in no mood to show kindness today, especially when being told what I can and cannot do.

Still, I gave in. I wasn't sure if it was the astonishment of Tristan's sudden revealing his ability to care about others, or the fact that I was particularly weak this morning, but somehow, I allowed myself to be dragged to his gym. Thankfully, the building was only minutes away so it wouldn't deter my routine.

As we walked into the lobby, I knew that even the blind could see this place was meant for those of wealth and stature. Everything was marble and clean, like the waiting room to heaven. Even the doorman we passed on the way in seemed to be rich.

"Mr. Hollows," the front desk gentleman greeted with a smile.

Tristan led us down one marble hallway after another, until we reach a set of glass doors. I couldn't hide my excitement as I got my first glance at the gym. I hadn't expected a condominium to have a gym so well equipped. Normally, you'd get a treadmill, an elliptical, and if you were lucky, a set of dumbbells. But this wasn't just any condo building.

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