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|| Giyuu's POV ||


Kizuki? I didn't expect them to appear at this time.

I grab my katana and run off. It was a cold night, and I feel the slight tickles as tiny snowflakes fall on my cheeks. The mountain isn't far and it's easier to navigate with my crow, despite being old, he does a pretty good job in navigating. Sometimes.

We get to the base of the mountain and I look up. "I've memorised the way so it shouldn't be a worry me trying to get back. You go back" My crow caws one more time and leaves. I sigh. Please don't get lost again, you worry me.

I slowly start to travel up the mountain, aware of my surroundings. I get the hint that people are in danger so I start running, trying to get there faster. In a few minutes, I reach a small village on a flat curve of the mountain. Nothing seems wrong so I ask the locals about any strange behaviour.

"Many people have gone missing within the past few days, usually at night. Multiple at once. This village used to be full of people and now, in a few days, mostly the elderly are here. It's really scary. Oh and, please be careful"

I can tell that these villagers won't even sleep and will keep any sort of weapon next to them. Children, scared out of their wits. "It'll be okay," I reassure them, solemnly, "Well, if you need anything for your stay, we can always-" "I'm okay" I cut the villager off as I walk deeper into the village, just as the sun sets.

As dusk appears, I ask some other villagers where the last person went missing. They point to the house right across the path. They seem scared. They must live very close. "Thank you" I bow.

I walk over and knock. No answer. I step inside. The place seems to be empty. I walk upstairs and open the door to a room. Then I see it.  A girl, around the age of 16, bending over and protecting an infant.

Tsutako? No. It can't be. She's gone.

I feel a tear run down my cheek. That girl looked exactly like her. The braid, the light maroon and red kimono.  All she was missing was the bow. Then, they would have looked identical. I stand there, looking at the scene. I don't know what it is that's triggering me.

"Well well well. If it isn't a demon slayer, welcome!" A raspy voice says from behind. "Hm, got nothing to say? Well that just makes things easier. Once I devour you, I can finally have my persuasion granted to try and become a Twelve Kizuki! AH HAHAHAHAHAH!" "You done?" "Oh stubborn aren't you? That might be the last thing you'll say tonight!" The demon pounces and I cut his neck. "Wh-what..? B-but how!? THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE!" "Ugh, your so loud." "WAIT- YOU'RE A HASHIRA, DAMNIT! I COULD OF FINALLY PLEASED MY MASTER! I COULD OF FINALLY-" Good. He's gone.

I might as well just scan the place for any other demons and have a proper burial for these people.


"Oh! OH THANK YOU! YOU'VE SAVED THIS WHOLE  VILLAGE! THANK YOU!" "It's okay, don't thank me. I'm just doing my job." I left as the woman sobbed. It's nearly dawn and by the time I get back, the sun has rised.

Words: 593

Sorry this chapter is kinda short, also a heads up, this will probably change perspective/tense as this story goes on (knowing my shitty perspective skills)
Anyways yeah that's all I think


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