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two ; chai forgives no one

gotham, usa | july 28

Life, in Devi's mind, should have been anything but simple, maybe some adrenaline filled activities that added spice to it, because as an Indian she refused to have anything that was bland and tasteless, even the Chai she was making right now had masala in it.

But when she said masala, Devi Shah did not mean complications that impacted the way she lived (i.e the meta gene activation that came out of fucking nowhere? like dude, it should have picked a better time) and she definitely did not mean ignoring someone to a point where it suffocated her.

Ideally, ignoring Tim after their fight that morning was supposed to be one sided, but he started doing the same to her too and never in her life had she been so offended. How dare he ignore her when she was ignoring him? The truly annoying part was that when she spoke to Cass and Steph in front of him to make it obvious she was ignoring him, he spoke to Babs to convey the same message.

(babs thought it was amusing, kept calling it 'the petty lovers quarrel'. devi found that annoying, they weren't lovers neither were they quarrelling, tim just rolled his eyes with a glare.)

However, it wasn't just an annoyance of him doing the same to her, it was also the sudden feeling of suffocating that night when she realised two things; a, not talking to Tim for a whole day made it seem like four days squished into one with how long the day dragged on and b, he would not break before her, which meant she would have to take the silent treatment for ages.

Devi also did not want to break first, because no, she refused to lose to the idiot who had teatea in front of her. Chai Tea lover, what an asshole. She also refused to break to someone who kept on insisting they talk about a topic Devi didn't want to talk about.

(neither noticed the looks they gave the other when the other wasn't looking. or how tim got devi the exact leaves and masalas she put in her masala chai when she was stressed or how devi quietly refilled his coffee machine when she saw it running low. babs recorded it though.)

If this was how things were going to be, then fine, Devi would just find a way to live elsewhere that wasn't the Wayne Manor, because twenty four hours of Tim and her giving each other the silent treatment was not it and it pissed her off how uncomfortable she got when a piece of her day was taken from her.

She knew it was her fault, somewhat, but look, she hadn't meant to ignore the whole person, she just wanted to ignore the topic, which Tim wouldn't let her do and then that turned into an argument--which again, Devi didn't mean to lash out but then it felt like she was home (that wretched place) again and it was her parents questioning her worth to live as a meta and she just got very defensive--that grew into the silent treatment.

Neither were willing to speak to the other.

Devi didn't like how much that reminded her of India, of her parents' house. Wayne Manor was supposed to be her escape from the hell they created for Devi, not a copy of the same place.

She knew arguments were inevitable, but did it really have to go this far? Why did this feel like the same dance she did with her mom the whole time? Ignoring before the one at fault cracked in guilt. Was Devi at fault for wanting to crack right now? She was becoming her mom, wasn't she?

(wretched mirrors, the guard outside her cell three years ago had told her, you and your mom are wretched mirrors of each other.)

She got back to her boiling masala chai after she accidentally touched the vessel that burnt her--and got her back to the present from la la land. Devi drew two conclusions in her mind; one, the guard in her cell was spewing bullshit but it was something she did need to tell Dinah about in therapy and two, Dick had been trying to reach her for a while via her earpiece.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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