Narry/larry - It's you where I belong

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hehe sorry for the long wait... this would probably suck.. anyways read on


When Niall was 6, He moved to Holmes Chapel with his mom and brother. His mom wanted to move from Ireland cause her youngest son got bullied.

After a week Niall found a pond 10 minutes from his house. He sat on the grass and looked at the pond with fondness. After what it seems like hours (What was probably a couple minutes) He felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to be met with a boy probably his age. He had brown curly hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hi I'm Harry! I'm 5! I never seen you before.." The young boy said

"H-hi I'm Niall.. I just moved here" Niall responded

"Cool! Wanna be friends?" Harry smiled

"Y-yeah sure!" Niall laughed.

After a couple hours getting to know eachother they headed home.

"Goodbye Nialler! See you tomorrow!" Harry kissed Niall's cheeck and ran off.

Niall ran home and threw open the door. "Mommy! Mommy! Guess what!" He yelled. His mother came from the kitchen and smiled fondly at him. "What sweetheart?" she asked. "I made a new friend!!" He smiled brightly. "Good for you love! Come on it's dinner time" And Niall ran after her into the kitchen


And that's how it went for years. Harry and Niall played together everyday and had sleepovers every weekend. They even were in the same grade.

When Niall was thirteen he came to the conclusion that He liked the younger boy. He is supposed to like girls but he just can't stop thinking about Harry.

Along their friendship they made friends with three other boys called Liam, Louis and Zayn. Niall was quite jealous because Harry spend a lot of time with Louis.


When they were 16, Harry announced that he was dating Louis and that he was very happy. Liam and Zayn were thrilled for them. But Niall though otherwise.. he wasn't happy for them at all.. he should be Harry's boyfriend not Louis.

"Nialler? You're okay with it right?" Harry asked in a small voice. Louis glared at Niall silently saying 'Don't say anything stupid'

Niall looked up and tried to smile.

"Ofcourse I'm happy for you Haz. I should go" He gave him an quick hug and ran off.

"What was that about?" Harry asked the boys.

"We have no idea mate" Zayn said


They were 18 now. Harry was still happily dating Louis and Niall... Well Niall slowly crumbled knowing the boy he loves is in love with someone else.

Harry barely spends time with him anymore and that's what hurt the most.. they were still friends right?


"Yeah Niall?"

Ouch that hurt.. he usually calls him Nialler or snowflake.

"Do you want to have lunch with me tomorrow?"

"No, I can't. I promised Boo we would go out tomorrow. I'm sorry Niall maybe another time"

"Yeah Sure"


it was a year later. Niall was 19 now. He didn't talk to Harry much anymore cause he was always with Louis.

A knock at 3 AM woke him up. He carefully opened the door. He saw Harry standing there with tears streaming down his face.

"Harry? What are you doing here at 3 AM?"

he let Harry inside and sat him down on the couch. the boy was full on sobbing now.

"Hazz? What's wrong love?"

"Louis broke up with me! and it's all your fault!

"Why is it my fault?"

Niall tried to stay calm.

"Louis broke up with me because off you! He told me you're always looking at me like a lovestruck puppy! He couldn't handle knowing someone other then him loves me"

"I I'm sorry.."

"So it is true? you love me?"

"I do.." Niall looked at the ground unable to look at Harry.

"How long? Since when did you have a crush on me?" Harry asked sternly

"Since I was 13.."

"WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" Harry yelled at him.

Niall whimpered. "I tried but you were always hanging out with Louis.. Why do you even care I didn't tell you? you only care about me now because Louis broke up with you"

"That isn't true Niall. I'm sorry for yelling at you Nialler. I love you to"

"No you don't.. you just want me as rebound"

Harry lunged himself at Niall and hugged him tight.

"I always loved you Nialler. I started dating Louis to hide away my feelongs for you.. But I realise now that this is where I belong in your arms" Harry pecked him quickly on the lips before the older boy could protest

" Please Niall be my boyfriend. I love you so much" Harry asked. Niall nodded frantically. "Yes!" With that he chrashed his lips onto Harry's. After 5 minutes they pulled apart gasping for air.

"it's you where I belong"


Gosh I suck.. send me prompts I can't do it without prompts o_O

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