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It was a stupid idea, and they knew it. At least, Applejack hoped Rainbow Dash knew too, but Rainbow being Rainbow, Applejack really should known better than to put faith of this kind in that spry blue pegasus.

After making sure they weren't breaking any laws that would get the both of them permanently banished from Equestria, they set to work in the dead of night, their hooves padding on the tiled floor of Rainbow's kitchen, mixing bowls clanging and whisks spinning, cracking of delicate eggs and dumping of packed white flour by the scoopful. By the time the oven elicited a melodious chime, Rainbow was done aggressively sniffing her mane for residual sugar crystals to lick and bounded over- Applejack caught her, and slipped a mitten on her first- to retrieve tray after tray baked goods, all hot and golden and smelling absolutely delicious. The fluffy meringue was about ready, too, so Applejack nosed the bowl over and, sighing, let Rainbow lean over and take a dollop of the cream upon her tongue. Oh well, at least she got a peck on the cheek after that.

They finished slathering the cakes with a thick layer of meringue, dusted the tops with sprinkles, and cut it into even-ish blocks that all went into a bulky, but inconspicuous-looking container. Rainbow gathered Applejack and the box up like it was second nature, and flapped those blue wings of hers until they reached a dear friend's house, and into another, and another, and another... When Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Spike woke up and found their beds surrounded by blocks of cake spelling out wishes for the new year, and questioned the scheming duo about it the next day, Applejack flushed in embarrassment and looked away; but soon she was surrounded by giggles and cheer, and she realised then that there was nothing to worry about.

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