Chapter 1

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The raging war in my head ceases when I finally crack my eyes open and let the beaming lights invade my vision. My brain hammers in protest as I try to move my head to scout out my surroundings. I can't bring myself to recollect anything; like anything at all. My heart starts to beat faster when I notice the washed-out grey curtains and the boring white walls. Beeps are heard from beside me and when I force my body to shuffle a bit to try and stop the pain in my abdomen. Instead, moving my body just forms a new stinging pain in my arm. I look down towards it and notice a needle is embedded there forcing liquid into my body. I try to force my head back up but it's too difficult and instead, I allow it to bob. Dizziness starts to take over as I fight to remain conscious. My brain wants to sleep, but I have no clue where I am and I don't want to fall asleep in this strange, lonely place.

"Sweetie?" I hear a small, broken voice talk in front of me.

"Honey, give her a minute she's just woken up." A man now speaks up.

"Screw that! Chrissy, Chrissy it's me. Your brother." Another voice talks through the banging in my mind.

Chrissy . . . My name? Brother . . . Do I have a brother?

"Brother?" I question through the haze.

"Yes, it's me. Lucas." The same voice tells me.

I finally manage to drag my head up to look at him in his hopeful Emerald green eyes.

"I don't know any Lucas's," I tell him. Truthly, I don't recognise anyone in the room; from the woman with the blue eyes, who had dark bags under them, and dyed black hair. Or the man standing next to her, an arm wrapped around her waist. He had black hair too, but it was going slightly grey in some places.
Then there was the boy in front of me, his hopeful eyes now filled with pain. Did I do that?

"Where am I?" I ask out to the room, hoping someone would answer my questions.

"You're in the hospital. You got hurt, sweetie. A car crash." The man said, tightening his jaw whilst he looks into my eyes, grief filling them.

"But it's okay! You're okay now. The Doctors told us about the memory loss being a tragic side effect but we love you no matter what." The woman jumps in quickly.

"I'm you're brother. That's our Mum, and our dad." The eighteen year old boy said as he sat in front of me.

I smiled up at him, his face gave me a sense of peace, and something in me told me he was saying the truth. I could trust these people. They're my family. And maybe, memories of them will start coming back to me, and maybe we can start making new memories together. Ones I won't forget.
The door slowly creeps open and a solemn man with a white lab coat walks in, a clipboard in his hand.

"We checked over your vitals you should be able to go in a couple of days." He informs the room, "You will be assigned a therapist you'll need to go twice a week."
I just nod, not knowing what else to do in the strange situation I've ended up in.

My parents agree instantly, "We'll pay for anything you think will help. " They tell the doctor.

My head starts to throb again and I close my eyes, lean back onto my pillow, and try to stop the pain. Instead, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


The two days pass by painfully slow, my mind wanders off every time I'm left alone in my room. I try to latch onto memories of before the crash but nothing seems to work. I still have no clue what strange world I've entered into, I still can't remember anything about my loved ones. The loved ones who have been here for me everyday since I have awoken in this hospital bed.
They are even here for me now, my brother stands on one side of me as I slowly walk out of the room I've not been allowed to leave for days.

"I'm so happy you've finally been released from the hospital. You're finally going to come home!" My mum exclaims, tears of joy forming in her eyes. Her dyed hair is being blown around in the wind as we make our way through the car park.
My brother helps me into the back seat of the car whilst my dad puts all my medications in the boot. Once we've all settled in my Dad drives off towards home.
Home, what a strange thought. I call it home even though I don't remember it, I call it home because I know my family who I know will be here for me live there. Where ever they are is home.
And that fact alone gives me hope. I'm so glad I've been blessed with this chance however small to carry on like nothing happened, one day I hope this will all be a distant memory.


I'd woken up to the sound of my little sister crashing her radio control car into my door, which is apparently the new, cooler form of knocking. Summer so far had been excruciatingly slow. Without going to school to take my mind of everything my brain has been stuck on repeat; I can't believe I'm missing school.  It doesn't matter, I'll be going back in week and then I'll regret wasting my summer.

"Eric! Calebs' annoying me." My sister complains about our brother as the door slambs open and she runs over towards my bed.

"How's he annoying you, Lucy?" I ask her as I pick her up and hug her.

"He won't tell me what he learnt in school!" Lucy cries.

Lucy can't wait for school. She starts her first year in a week and I'm not looking forward to it. All those boys there! She may be five but I don't trust all the little boys that act like they're on drugs at that age. They could hurt her, or worse; kiss her . . . Gross. That's what Caleb thinks about it too. Lucy got the family traits, she has golden blonde hair, big Emerald green eyes, and a cute, little Button nose. She's so tiny aswell. Which means she's great at hiding, and she loves to scare people. She's always jumping out at me when I walk around the house.

Caleb has the traits too, but he also wears glasses. Not because he has to, he just likes wearing them . . . He tried to explain to it me, something about all the smart people wear them. Caleb loves school, he started two years. He has Emerald green eyes like all of us, the only difference about him and our family is that he has streaks of white in his golden hair.

Even though it's the summer Caleb wanted to carry on with classes so he went to a summer school, for a couple of weeks, he got back yesterday. Lucy's dieing to know what he learnt about but he's too busy revising for going back to school, why he feels the need to revise is beyond me.

"Caleb learnt maths while he was away. Maths, English and the three sciences." I tell her.
She listens to me, content.
"Everything you'll be learning in a week. Are you excited?" I ask.
She nods like her life depends on it.   

"Kids, come down for breakfast." My dad says through the intercom.

"Coming!" I tell him, speaking back through the intercom. Then I pick Luce up and take her downstairs.

As we make our way through our living room we meet up with Caleb, after nodding hi to him and Lucy giving him the stink eye we walk into the kitchen. The kitchen was filled with the fumes of pancakes and bacon.
My dad was flipping pancakes like a pro when we walk in. Luce gets excited in my arms when she realises what Breakfast actually is.
Mum walks in. And Dad sets the table. We all sit down as a family.
Family; probably the only thing I'm not questioning in my life. My one constant, the only people I can count on. 

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