Chapter 17

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For an entire week I had an internal struggle. Debating with myself whether I was going to converse with my mum about what I'd witnessed at the bowling ally.

It is now once again Saturday. Lucas had messaged me saying he was settling in and would call me tomorrow.

My dad had gone out earlier on to go grocery shopping.

So it was just me and her sitting in the kitchen, "I saw you last Saturday," I gulp. "Whilst I and some friends were bowling."

My mum's head snaps up, "you're meant to tell us where you're going."

"I saw you kiss a woman." I breathe.

"It's not what you think," she tells me, a tear slipping down her face.

"You're cheating on my dad!" I exclaim.

"Honey, please." She whispers but doesn't say anything more.

"You don't even have an excuse?" I cry.

She stays silent.

"I'm leaving. I'll be back later." I inform her, huffing.

I slam the door shut behind me and see Eric parked in the drive. I smile, he's been trying to make up for keeping secrets from me. He's been there for me throughout this entire week, constantly checking up on me and making sure I'm okay.

"Hey." I smile.

He nods a smile lighting up his face.

"You ready?" He asks.

"As I'll ever be," I tell him.


Chrissy and I talked about our plan all throughout the car ride, making sure we know what to do.

I'm still not on board with this, especially since the plan consists of the tiniest amount of detail known to man. But hey, we're teenagers, they can't lock us up. Right?

Once we reach the hospital we meet up with Miles and Alisha.

"Why am I doing this again?" Alisha sighs.

"Beats me," I respond.

Alisha rolls her eyes.

"Let's do this!" Eric hypes us up.

We all enter the hospital throught back entrance and and sneak through the halls. Miles is the distraction.

Me, Alisha and Chrissy are going to the search the records together.

Miles goes down the opposite hall whilst we head ther other way, following Alsisha.

After what felt like an hour of walking we finally reached the record room.

"In here," Alisha tellsa us as she scans her dads' card.

Hundreds of files litter the walls in alphabetical order, "Why don't they just do this on the computer?" I asks Alisha.

"Something about the people in the office being too lazy," Alisha shrugs as she begins to search. "Chrissy, whats your last name?"

"Brookes." I inform her.

We find the B section on the shelf and begin to scan. We very quickly try to get through all the hospital records until Alisha shouts out, "I found it!"

"What does it say?"Chrissy asks.

"Give me a second," Alisha complains whilst flicking throught he file.

"Oh, here it is!" She exclaims before readin git out loud, "Chrissy brookes had a twisted wrist and bruises all across her abdomen. She didn't give many details and refused to say who but we have reason to believe it was a man, and that he had only recently come into her life. We will give these details to the police if needed."

"Thats a lengthy report," I say.

"With not much information," Chrissy sighs.

"Oh cheer up," Alisha orders, "We now know it was a man. Also your memories are slowly coming back anyways."

"Yeah, but what if they just stop! What if I don't get anymore?" Chrissy cries.

"You will," Alisha confirms.

"Nevermind, just put it back and lets go," Chrissy tells us.

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