chapter 6

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Ella's invited me to her house Friday evening for a sleepover!

I'm excited.

But first I need to ask my parents for permission, I don't want to suddenly disappear on them.

So I rush downstairs, Cookie waddling behind me, and I then shuffle towards my dad.

He raises an eyebrow at me confused on why I'm acting so weird, "Can I go to Ella's Friday for a sleepover?" I rush out.

He ponders the question for a moment or two then replies with a quick, "No."

"What why!" I exclaim.

"Because I don't know what you two will get up to?" I states.

"What do you mean. It's a sleepover we'll hang out and the sleep." I tell him.

"Oh yeah. So you won't be leaving the house to go to a party?" He asks.

"Party. Dad that's not what a sleepover is." I inform him.

"I know what a sleepover is, honey." He sighs.

"Then why can't I go?" I ask.

"Because you won't be safe!" He raises his tone, trying to get his point (which I don't understand), across.

"I will be safe, it's Ella." I tell him.

He relents, "Fine but I'll drop you off there and you have to keep me updated!"

"Yes sir," I mock him and all the orders he's given me.

He smiles at me before I run back upstairs to tell Ella I can go.

I text her, excitedly. "Hey, Ella my dad said yes!"

She replies with a, "that's great." Before going offline.

I look at the the clock I my phone to see it's already ten o'clock. I groan and decide it's time for sleep.

School again tomorrow, my brain reminds me.


"Why is there a bruise on your forehead?" My brother asks protectively as I topple downstairs. Not at all ready for the day.

"My head slammed against my bedside table when I woke up," i mumble.

My brothers eyes turned from worry to amusement and I give him a look, which I hope tells him not to laugh at me.

"It's not funny. It really hurts!" I exclaim.

"Oh I'm sorry," he says before kissing my forehead.

"Wow, all better." I tell him sarcasticly.

Together me and my brother walk to the front door as my mum waves goodbye as she gets ready for work, she works at a police station! My dad is in the kitchen eating. I don't know where my dad works.

My brother hums along to the radio whilst driving me to school.

I smile at him, him humming gives me nostalgia. I turn towards the window only to see a girl starring at me; her brown hair flows down around her face, her blue eyes stair into my soul- a soul I don't understand, a face I'm still adjusting to. My face.

I don't feel comfortable looking at my own face because I know deep down I don't match.

My face is too kind, too pure. It is hiding the true ugliness within.

"Okay, Chris'. Have a good day." My brother smiles snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Chris?" I question the new nickname.

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