Chapter 15: Just a friend

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"Why do you always assume that I've done something?"

"Jas, you're not thinking..."

But Jasper's mind and actions seem to be committed to the cause, as before rational thought invades his impulsive desires, he is pushing forwards. Their lips meet, after years of absence, years of wondering what the other was truly thinking or feeling inside.

Thomas grabs at the material of Jasper's loose hoodie, pulling him close as Jasper's body presses him against the side of the car.

The embrace is far from soft and tender. It is heated, fueled with fire as lips become wet, red and swollen. Tongues clash and dance in their fight for power and arousal begins to build as they lose their sense of reality, as the erotic fantasy takes over.

Jasper, feeling breathless, pulls back for air. He takes in the look on Thomas' face. His lips fuller and redder than usual, his eyes almost drunk in his stare. He smiles as he presses his forehead against Thomas' "No one needs to know about this..."

Thomas feels his glazed vision refocus at the words Jasper spoke. It drops him back to reality like a comet hitting the ground with a crash. His hands, still clasping at Jasper's clothes, suddenly pushes the other back with a jolt. "We need to stop."

Jasper takes a step back, his mind still on another plane. Possibly choosing not to hear the plea to end what would only have resulted in a long awaited session of carnal pleasures. He decides to disregard the request, preferring to remain in his state of bliss as he again steps forwards to carry on where they had left off, but Thomas has left the chat.

He now grabs Jasper by the shoulders and finds himself giving him a sharp shake. "Jasper, enough! Think about Beth. Think about the baby!" It seems to be enough to bring him to his senses as the words cause him to freeze in place.

"The baby." Jasper repeats. He looks at Thomas, suddenly feeling a little sick. He had almost forgotten the responsibility he was about to uphold. "Sorry...I..."

"No I'm sorry." Thomas interrupts. I should never have asked you here for help. I should never have come back to St Austell. I should have stayed away. You were getting on with your life without me "

Jasper sighs as he now stands next to Thomas as they both lean against the car. "You are the only one who knows the real me, all of me. I want us to try to get along like we used to, when we were friends. Can we try?"

Thomas chuckles at the words Jasper was saying. "You seem to have a very rose tinted view of how we were. Did we really get along?" He tilts his head as he looks at Jasper to answer.

"You didn't take any of my childish shit. I liked you for that. You put me in my place when I needed it. When others dared not to. Even now, Beth dances around me like a fucking fairy. She never challenges me."

"So you want me to tease you?" Thomas stops leaning on the car. He straightens his stance as he folds his arms. "I can totally do that." He grins wickedly. They then hear the sound of a vehicle approaching and turn to see a quad bike getting closer with Molly sat on it. "Well, if you want me to tease..." Thomas walks towards the vehicle as it slows in front of the house. The engine stops and Molly dismounts. "Hey Mol, what are you doing here?"

She heads to the bag clipped to the small bars at the back of the seat. "You left without your lunch. I made sandwiches and cake...oh and Jimmy has even made some lemonade." She unclips the bag and gives it to Thomas, before looking at Jasper, then back at Thomas. "Why are you outside? Haven't you started clearing out yet?"

"Well, Jasper got a paper cut on his hand and nearly fainted, so I had to bring him out for air. Thomas grins as he puts the bag on the ground and turns to Jasper who now has a face like thunder.

"Jasper? A paper cut, really?" Molly heads to the male who was now stood up, arms folded. "I didn't have you down as squeamish. Don't you have to do first aid at work?"

"It's actually glass and no I wasn't feeling faint Molly. Tom is just messing."

"Glass! Let me look. Which hand?" Molly pulls at both arms in order to locate the injury.

Jasper pulls his hands back. "I'm ok. I'll sort it myself." He says as he heads back into the house.

Molly takes a moment watching him head inside before turning her attention to Thomas. "What did you do?"

Thomas holds his hands up in defence. "Why do you always assume that I've done something? We're getting along fine."

Molly takes a step closer to Thomas. "Can I trust you not to play with him?"

"Define play." Thomas says with a raised eyebrow.

Molly sighs heavily. "Just don't do anything stupid."

"Define stupid." Thomas laughs.

"I knew this was a bad idea." She looks back at the house. "You shouldn't have asked Jasper to help."

Thomas puts his arms on Molly's shoulders. "Mol, relax. I promise I won't initiate anything. I will be a friend. That's all. A good friend." He smiles innocently, hoping to convince her. The least she knew about the past few moments, the better.

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