Chapter 40: The big day

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"Can we go home now?"

Almost a year later…

"Will you sit still?" Jim complains as Jasper continues to bounce his knee up and down, making the row of linked chairs wobble. 

"I can't help it. I'm no good under pressure. I didn't expect to be doing this, not after everything." Jasper tries to defend his actions, as he pushes his hand onto his thigh to physically stop the bounce. 

"Neither did I." Jim says with a raised eyebrow, as he looks down the aisle once again. "Still no sign of them." He says, turning back to face the front, taking in the beautifully decorated arrangement of flowers on the table. "The barn scrubs up nicely, don't you think? Much better than a church or a posh hotel." 

"As long as people don't mind the smell of hay and cow shit." Jasper mumbles under his breath with amusement. Jim doesn't hear the remark, too busy with checking over his suit, pulling at the jacket once again. Thomas would have found it funny. Jasper now looks over his shoulder. Where were they? All he sees is his mother running up the aisle and taking her seat behind Jasper and Jim. Her face was evidently red and looking flustered. It causes Jim to question.

"Rosie, are you ok?" 

"Bloody nerves and it isn't even my wedding. I've been three times already and the toilet is all the way up at that outbuilding." She complains, taking a handkerchief to her slightly sweating face. "Trust you to be a cheapskate." 

"I'd say it was resourceful. Who has £20,000 to waste on a wedding?" Jim says, not really thinking about the words he was saying until they had left his lips. He gets a glare from both Rosie and Jasper. That wedding best left unsaid. "Ok, so maybe some people." 

As if saved by divine intervention, the sound of the small string quartet begins to play. Signalling the arrival of the two missing people. Jim and Jasper along with everyone else get to standing. Jim subconsciously squeezes Jasper's arm as he and Jasper turn to take in the view. 

Thomas is walking next to his sister. His black suit and crisp white shirt, was finished off with a baby pink tie. His usually messy mop of hair, smartly swished back. He was the most handsome man Jasper had ever seen and it made his heart burst with joy that the man was his, now and always. 

Thomas' arm is linked with Molly's. Her dress, fitting perfectly against her slim frame, cream in colour and adorned with butterflies. Her dark brown hair spilled over her shoulders, partially knotted at the top and decorated with sparkly jewels. Jim swallows hard as she approaches him. Her face filled with smiles which he cannot help but mirror as she finally stops by his side, with Thomas taking a step back. "You are beautiful." Jim confesses as he struggles to draw his eyes away. 

"You don't look so bad yourself." Molly returns the compliment as she brushes a hand down the sleeve of his black jacket. 

Jasper smiles at the pair before again locking eyes with Thomas who blows him a silent kiss before smiling. This time they were best man and the brother of the bride, but maybe next time….


Jasper sits with a weighted thud next to Thomas on one of the hay bales classed as seating. The sound of the country band and the sights of people trying to follow some kind of dance routine was entertainment enough as they both watched on in the early evening light, with Jim currently doing his best to fling Molly around like the propeller of a helicopter with grace, but failing miserably. "Would you be able to lift me up like that?" Thomas wonders, not taking his eyes from the pair. 

"Why? Do you wanna dance?" Jasper looks at Thomas in surprise. 

Thomas looks back at Jasper. "Nah, I'm just thinking about our next sexual position." He smirks, causing Jasper to roll his eyes. 

"You need to go see a therapist. You are insatiable." 

"Only for you." Thomas leans in, kissing Jasper on the lips. It causes Jasper to smile, just a fraction before he looks once again at the married couple. 

"Molly and Uncle. They finally did it after all this time."

"I know right. I guess 'never say never' huh." Thomas says as he sees how happy his sister is. "I wonder if they will have kids? I would then be uncle." 

"What would I be?" Jasper furrows his brow in confusion. "Would I be like a cousin?" 

"Fuck knows." Thomas laughs, taking a swig from his beer bottle. "At least your mothet has stopped shitting herself." He sees Rosie sat the opposite side of the scene, clapping away, along with the rhythmic beat of the drum. 

"She gets like that when she is nervous." Jasper chuckles. 

"Does she still hate me for tearing your perfect life apart?" Thomas wonders as he takes Jasper's hand in his. 

"She doesn't hate you Tom. You make me happy. That's all she wants." Jasper tries to reassure him. "You haven't screwed me over. I told her everything. Beth, Ed, the non existent baby.  Plus I did remind her that she more or less invited you home with her meddling so it's also her fault." Jasper grins.

"Mmm." Thomas replies, not entirely convinced.

"She doesn't hate you. I promise." Jasper reiterates. "She even referred to you as 'my Thomas.'" 

"My Thomas?" Thomas laughs. 

"Yeah, So she can't hate you can she." 

"Aw. Am I yours?" Thomas pinches one of Jasper's cheeks. 

Jasper slaps a hand on Thomas' thigh, squeezing the flesh a little as he catches his gaze.  "Yes you are." Jasper leans in a little more as he whispers into Thomas' ear. "Just wait until we get home. I have a surprise for you. I'll show you who you belong to." 

Thomas pulls back a little catching Jaspers gaze. "Can we go home now?" Jasper's words had made Thomas feel as drunk as the beer he was drinking. 

"Be patient." Jasper smiles wickedly. "It will be worth it." 

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