Chapter 39: Who's the daddy?

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"It's mine isn't it."

She knew what she was doing. She had it all planned out. That phone call she received from Jasper to 'talk' was a sure sign that he had regretted ending their relationship. That his ridiculous fling with Thomas was just a blip. A last waltz before they would be married and he would be hers to the end. Jasper had finally come to his senses and she wasn't going to let this reconciliation go without a hitch. 

She checks her face a few more times on the camera on her phone, then again in the internal mirror of the car, running her fingers through her blonde hair, making sure the loose put in curls cascaded and spilled over her shoulders. Her pink lips shine with gloss as her long lashes dusted her cheeks as she purposely fluttered them. A few pouting selfies later and she is ready. Her phone is dropped into her handbag as she blows out a shot of breath. The voice of Ellen was still nagging at a corner of her mind. 'Don't go. You don't need him' but she forced them out. She loved Jasper too much to let this chance to reconcile pass. They could move on from this and live happily ever after. 

She pushes open the car door and steps out. Her eyes look up at the apartment. Her body felt a rush of nervousness, mixed with excitement. She was home, if she just played it right. 

Once up the one flight of stairs, she finds the key, pushing it into the lock and slowly turns the handle. "Jas? I'm here." She says, wanting to feel that same confidence she felt down the stairs, when sat in the car, but it seemed to have dwindled quite a bit when he sees Jasper approach, arms folded. 

"You still have your key." He says as if it were an error on his part that he didn't take it from her before. 

"Uh…yes." She looks at the ring of keys in her hand before looking back up at him. "You don't want it back do you?" She tries to make it sound as if it were in jest but Jasper isn't smiling. 

"I think it would be a good idea." He says as he holds a hand, now waiting for the door key to be placed in it. 

It takes a moment for Beth to register what he was actually asking before realising he is serious as the hand is still in place, unmoving. "This is ridiculous." She huffs as she begins to unhook the key from the bunch. She slams it into his palm, where Jasper lets his fingers curl around the small piece of metal. He pockets the key, watching as Beth pushes her fallen strands of hair over her shoulder. It then dawns on him.

"Look at you. All dressed up like you're going on a date. You didn't think I wanted to reconcile, did you?" 

"You called. You said you wanted to talk. I thought…" 

"It's about the baby Beth. We need to know." Jasper stands tall. It makes her feel cornered, just for a moment before she takes in his words. "What do you mean by 'we'?" She tilts her head in slight confusion. 

The question remains unanswered as there is a second knock on the door. "Ah. Here he is." Jasper walks straight past Beth as she watches on to see him answer it. The door opens and without words Ed enters the space. He glances at Beth. Not sure if he should even be so bold as to look with Jasper so close and knowing what they had done. He chooses to find a space a distance away from both of them as they now create a weird triangle formation. 

Beth looks at Ed, then at Jasper. "What is this? Are you ganging up on me? No one in this room is innocent." She takes a step back towards the door and for the second time thinks on the words her friend Ellen had said. This time around, she really wished that she had listened. She should have known Jasper wouldn't be that quick to change his mind. 

"There is one innocent person in this room." Ed's eyes gravitate towards Beth's stomach. "Just tell Jas the truth. Tell him the baby is mine." 

"It may not be." Jasper cuts in. "You fucked her just the once." 

"Once is enough. You used contraception." Ed bites back as they face each other. "There's not a chance."

Beth could see Jasper's fists clench. Part of her wanted them to have it out with each other. To see what Jasper would do in response.  A man whome she was in love with, who she would do anything for and in the blink of an eye took a u-turn. Causing her to feel abandoned, hurt beyond belief. A fool in front of her friends. Making their relationship seem a sham. Then there was Ed. A man who seemed to worship the ground she walked on. But he just wasn't what she wanted. He was second best. 

They could get it out of their system whilst she could slip away. But she knew she had to end this. She was the only one who could. "Please stop. I'll tell you the truth!" Her pleas to end it do the trick as both males once again turn to face her. 

"It's mine isn't it." Ed begins. 

"One time." Jasper utters, side eyeing Ed. 


The three words cut through the air like a knife. 


"What? What the fuck are you saying Beth?" Jasper takes a step towards her. "What do you mean you're not pregnant?" 

She looks up at him. Those words she would not take back. But if she explained, maybe he would understand. "I was desperate. I had to do something to keep you. You were getting distracted with women at work…" 

"You fucking lied about being pregnant. What's the matter with you?" Jasper shouts in her face. 

"You led us both on." Ed says as he pushes his hands through his hair. "How do we know you're not lying about this?" 

"Because it's the truth. I'm not pregnant, ok? It was a stupid idea. A stupid mistake." 

"I would have been there for you." Ed utters under his breath, still trying to get his mind around it. "I loved you Beth." 

"Oh please. You wanted me because I was with Jasper. This wasn't about me at all.." She bites back. "You are pathetic, clinging onto him like an annoying leech. 

Ed bites hard on his lip. "You sure know how to kick a guy when he's down. Go to hell the pair of you." He says no more as he heads for the door, he leaves with it making a click as it closes and leaves a silence in its wake. 

Beth wastes no time with clinging onto Jasper's arms. Tears pour from her face. "Forgive me. Please forgive me. I want to have a baby with you. We can still try. I can give you children. Tom will never be able to…" 

"Get off me." He pushes her back. Don't you dare tell me what he can do for me." 

"Jas…." She goes to grab onto him once again, but thinks better of it.

"Get out. I never, ever want to see your face again." Jasper stands firm as Beth finally comes to the realisation that she has lost.

"You will realise one day your mistake." She turns away, trying to hold onto what little dignity she possessed and walks away out of the apartment and his life… for good. 

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