Narcissa Begins

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Five days after deciding to marry Charlie Weasley, Hermione found herself in a familiar setting: washing her hands and rinsing her mouth in the sink of her bathroom in her office at the Ministry on that beautiful Tuesday morning, her breakfast no longer hers.

I can’t wait for this morning sickness shit to be over.

If it happened only in the mornings she could manage; but no, it happened in the afternoon, at midnight, even when she was taking a shower! And, God forbid, if she ate anything remotely spicy, her stomach would send it all back up after minutes.

Do not tell me you two will be as finicky as your dad about spices! Hermione mentally admonished her unborn babies. The spoiled brat wouldn’t even kiss me if I had any Indian food!

She smiled as she dried her hands and walked out of the bathroom into her office, stopping in her tracks as her eyes fell on the person sitting there.

“Mrs. Malfoy?” Hermione uttered, her voice sounding a little higher than usual; her mind immediately thinking the woman was there because she had found out the truth about her pregnancy.

“Miss Granger.” Said Narcissa Malfoy, with a smile.

“Hi.” Hermione walked to her chair, nervously touching her lower belly. “What can I do for you, Mrs. Malfoy?”

“I’m here because of the Charity gala ball. I was told we’d be working together. I am to organize it and you’re in charge of the budget.”

Hermione sat on her chair and slowly nodded, remembering she knew that. “Yes! Of course! The Ball!” she exclaimed, speaking before she could stop herself: “I’m so sorry, I forgot it for a moment; pregnancy brain is a very annoying thing.” and she instantly froze, not wanting to discuss her pregnancy with her, fearing doing so could expose her secret.

But Narcissa kept on giving her a soft smile. “I know exactly what you mean, Miss Granger. I couldn’t remember my own name if someone asked me some days. How far along are you?”

“Ten weeks. Twins.”

It was Narcissa's turn to freeze in her seat for a second – for that was something she neither knew nor expected – but she quickly recovered, exclaiming: “Twins!” even though she struggled to contain her excitement.

“Yes. Just my luck.” Said Hermione with a small smile. “Mother of two at twenty-three. I was shocked at first, but now I couldn’t imagine it any other way.”

Narcissa tilted her head, before speaking again, a twinkle in her blue eyes, “What about the father, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Charlie Weasley.” Hermione said it out loud for the first time.

Narcissa smirked but didn’t comment on that. “Two babies.” she said instead, truly amazed by that. “There are no twins in my family, you know. Neither in my husband’s. So far.”

“Any reason?” Hermione asked, already knowing about the curse since she and Ginny had talked.

“Some say it’s a curse.” Said Narcissa, letting her sadness show. “Others say it’s just bad genetics.”

Hermione frowned a little – hearing the once pureblood snob Narcissa Malfoy saying that their prized blood carried bad genetics was a bit of a surprise.

“But the babies have always arrived in good health, I presume?” Hermione asked, knowing that was an important information for her to have.

“Oh, yes. My Draco came into the world with two very healthy lungs, he cried loudly the moment he was out.”

Ending The Sacred Twenty-Eight (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now